Two more twisted questions


For both sexes: Three objects placed in the box of death. You can only save one of the three, and the two that you don't select will vanish from the face of the earth, never to be regained. Which would you save from the box of death?

1. Sugar (no more cookies, candy bars, soda pops, kool aid, sweetened tea or anything else that contains sugar)

2. Flour (just think of a world with no bread, cakes, tortillas or anything else flour is used for)

3. Salt -(no more salty french fries or pretzels. No more "dash of salt" in recipes, no more salty sunflower seeds or salt water)

For guys only: Would you rather be forced to stay the night in a hardcore German S&M club in which would involve sagging old women stepping on your balls with spiked heels and all that stuff - OR - have your foreskin pulled back and the tender flesh rubbed raw against rough concrete? (Not nice options, I know, especially if you are uncut :p)

Have fun :D
First one, I'd save flour... the rest of the stuff isn't good for you anyways (except maybe a little salt). :D I gotta have my bread, tortillas, and stuff.

The second one I haven't made up my mind. Its really not a fun choice.
salt. Without salt, all humans and animals will die. Its a matter of cellular water regulation. Sugar is fluff... wheat flour is only one little component of the entire food network.
I'd have to agree with Unc, we need salt, we can live without the other two.
hmmmmm, the body makes sugar, if we take it out.......we would die :p
Body sugar can be manufactured by the body during the ATP glycolysis phase of cellular respiration from any number of sources of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen out in the human diet. If straight table sugar went away it wouldn't do us any harm at all. Salt has no substitute. Salt is salt to the human body.

buuuut... We also make sugar from all manner of plant juices. Would we have to do away with all plants that make sugar at all... as in pretty much everything except spanish moss? That would kill us all, in time, from a lack of oxygen.
i meant if we take out the sugar our body produces, we would die. (either way ,we are screwed)
I would save the salt too. Culturally, we don't have use for sugar and flour. Plus, I can chew on some sugarcane or eat a banana for my sweet fix.
I can keep sugarcane :p The way LL worded it up there sounds to me that you can't have anything that you add sugar to :D
I'd say salt...

And for the other question....well....I'd choose the concrete option...painful, but not as mentally destructive as the other option :D
anything else that contains sugar

ok then... sugarcane exists... but the second you try and pop it into your mouth. *poof* it goes bye bye. There it all sits.. fields and fields of sugarcane never able to be consumed by humans... growing there... mocking you.
For guys only: Would you rather be forced to stay the night in a hardcore German S&M club in which would involve sagging old women stepping on your balls with spiked heels and all that stuff - OR - have your foreskin pulled back and the tender flesh rubbed raw against rough concrete? (Not nice options, I know, especially if you are uncut )

Just how long have you been going to this club? Do they take referrals? ;)
You know, no sugar means no milk chocolate. The only kind of chocolate you would have would be the very dark nasty stuff.

I think I will just continue to ignore the second question, it's been working pretty good for me so far, and will continue to do so as well.
PuterTutor said:
I think I will just continue to ignore the second question, it's been working pretty good for me so far, and will continue to do so as well.
Yes I've been ignoring it too :D