U.N. dork slams U.S. as 'stingy' over aid

If you really want to help, come to the US legally
marry a worth while guy and spawn a litter of kids and raise them to work hard and contribute to the American economy the same place that won WWII made most every major scientific discovery in the last century and put men on the Moon


Or you could go live in the shanty towns of Sumatra and preach socialism

Ahhh yessss! ... that latest and greatest.

The "Yankee-Doodle" Missile, with its 2,000 independently targeted nuclear warheads, capable of destroying entire continents in one swoop.

Think those are big ...you outta' see the submarines we use to deploy these behemoths.

...more money well spent.
Winky said:
Shaking head in disbelief @ CH's inanity!

Multi-stage rockets (like we used to put a man on the moon) were a German invention.
Television and the computer were both invented by the English.
Internal combustion automobiles were invented by the French (of course that was the last century).
The most advanced particle acceleration and physics laboratory anywhere is in Switzerland.
Albert Einstein was Austrian.
I can go on and on. It's popular for Americans to believe thay are the be all and end all of scientific knowledge, but it's simply not true (science is in fact the search for truth).

Meantime we are being forced to teach our children a myth as actual science in school. It's really little wonder we lag behind the rest of the world in science.
I was also thinking,if I were a soldier in Iraq I'd sure as hell rather be doing serious humnanitarian aid by offering whatever assistance in the relief effort and saving lives than risking my own life in a quote/unquote "humanitarian" war by killing off people in a dusty hell-hole

very nicely said. I agree 100%
If he were properly trained as a soldier, such an ideal would not be within him... perhaps as a back of the mind desire... but certainly not overriding duty.
Gonz said:
Yep, let the good guys suffer at the hands of religious fanatics. Good idea.

Funneh how that could be applied BOTH ways....

Islamic fundamentalism vs. Christian Fundamentalism

anybody notice the similarities? ...uh, no. I guess not :rolleyes:
tank girl said:
Funneh how that could be applied BOTH ways....

Islamic fundamentalism vs. Christian Fundamentalism

anybody notice the similarities? ...uh, no. I guess not :rolleyes:
Bah. Hardly Christian fundamentalism. It's capitalist fundamentalism. We will invade and domniate until the whole world is tuned into American Idol.
unclehobart said:
Bah. Hardly Christian fundamentalism. It's capitalist fundamentalism. We will invade and domniate until the whole world is tuned into American Idol.

Ah! 10 stars!!!

Christian fundamentalism + Capitalist fundamentalism...

notice the similarities?
yea kinda like the santa claus similarities.

what about that dopplar radar , figgured that one out yet?
Gonz said:
Yep, let the good guys suffer at the hands of religious fanatics. Good idea.

not why I agreed. I dont see it as being humanitarian by killing everyone you dont agree with.
Yes weather.

But your insightful theory, that it seems you abandoned already.

HAARP, the ultimate radio attenae. Used for communication with deep-running subs. :wink-wink:

Some other facts we know of these super low frequencies: they can cause ones mind to become confused to point where a human can no longer walk. They can penatrate deep into the earth.

Of the array. it can be targeted to most places on earth by bouncing the waves off the ionosphere. This is also how it "controls the weather" :wink-wink:

According to a large circle of enlighten intellectuals HAARP is likely capable of causeing earthquakes in earthquake prone zones.

HAARP is a wave of super low frequency radio, you can't see it, but its effect can be seen. ---How do you see it? When the HAARP radiation is being reflected/bounced/skipped off the ionosphere, it literally boils the ionosphere into space. Doppler Radar can see that effect. (so can the tin-cans in space, but we know who controls all those)

....so sorry if I brought some life back to your original idea'r that you abandoned so easily.
Now you shush the hell up or we will pop off a quake in CA to draw suspison away from our activities!

Extremism in defense of liberty is no vice.
Tolerance in the face of tyranny is no virtue.
tank girl said:
Funneh how that could be applied BOTH ways....

Islamic fundamentalism vs. Christian Fundamentalism

anybody notice the similarities? ...uh, no. I guess not :rolleyes:

Since our nation was founded on religious tolerance, hardly a staple of the Islamic radicals, no, I see no similarities.
Dammit Rm now we need to take you back to omega sector and lock you away for a while. If they find out your spilling the beans we're all in trouble.