U.S. eyes Iraq invasion in 2003

I think that if the US were to occupy Iraq, many Arabs around the world would turn on the US, and we would have terror attack after terror attack just like they have in Israel. Don't forget there is a large number of people of Arab desent in this country that are citizens. Many of them would feel compelled to side with their counterparts overseas.
Iraq cannot be a Vietnam. 1. They have like 1/6 the the population of vietnam. 2. There are no superpowers feeding them supplies. China and Russia aren't going to supply them. 3. There are no jungles to hide in. 4. We won't be jerked around by a corrupt puppet government ally 5. This is a straight up military army to army fight, not geurilla warfare. 6. No draft. A pure professional army means the morale is mush better. 7. The populace in the US is rather hawkish and isn't protesting like the 60s. 8. US tech was an overwhelming success 11 years ago. US tech has improved during that time, Iraq tech has not. 9. Iraq military morale is very low. Its a conscript army. They didn't believe in the fight and they didn't believe that they could survive the combined discipline assault. They don't have as many tanks or artillery anymore... certainly no planes. 10. Iraq is 1/3 the size of Vietnam.

All Iraq can hope for is that the other muslim nations will dive in and help. It didn't happen last time. Iran tech is almost WW2 quality with no training or coordination. It would be like fighting the North Koreans in '51. Kuwait hates them. Saudi Arabia has only 5 million people and has no love for Iraq. Turkey is large and relatively powerful... but also the most western and quite rational. Pakistan is unorganized rabble wherin 80% of their effort goes towards india. Syria is nutso and has a decent military... but theyve been stung too many times. They know that they cant feed their populace for very long when the going gets rough. Their industrial capacity is almost nil.

I think they all understand that once hostilities start that our airforce will be moving around with utter impunity. They haven't designed impregnable power grids or fuel reserves. Within the first week 80 % of the populations will be in utter darkness and no trucks will roll. The governments mat talk tough... just remember that they keep the populace in the dark for the most part. All they want is food, water, and sleep.. very hard to get in wartime.
Don't forget that people will not blame Saddam for the invasion this time. Last time they had invaded Kuwait and were paying the price. This time they would feel like being invaded without any reason (which is partially true). Never underestimate people fighting for their homes.
Originally posted by Gonz
There was no reason to fight except paranoia about communism. In Iraq, there is reason.
Yeah, paranoia about terrorism.
The Bush administration is plotting a potential major air campaign and ground invasion early next year to topple the Iraqi government of President Saddam Hussein, the New York Times reported in Sunday editions.

The use of 70,000 to 250,000 troops is being considered, the Times said.

Where do you get a silly idea like that? Never gonna happen.
Would you like to explain to me how Saddam is shooting missiles that he supposedly doesn't have at Kuwait City? Perhaps we're all suffering from mass delusions?

Oh sorry, did you believe all that crap about his not having them? :rolleyes:
AlladinSane said:
unclehobart said:
Inside of 2 years, you will eat those words.
Why do you think so?
All of the money made by the government went into the military, the luxury palace structures, and into the pockets of the 100+ people that rules the country. Now that the totalitarian drain on resources will be lifted... or at least modified, and the general sanctions lifted; I would expect that the infrastructure would improve drastically. Aid would flow in. Its a dramatic reversal of the way things were.

I do expect a totalitarian variant to some degree ... but surely not to the extenet that it used to be. A good bit of the damage would be rebuilt. Sweetheart trade contracts will be set up. The military would be modest in size, and not a drain on the economy. The money will go from a trickle to a nice steady flow. Put some food on the table and a few dinar in the pockets of the common man with real goods available for purchase on the market .. and things will brighten up nicely.
And in the end they'll have so much debts that all their oil won't pay them.
I'll wait to see. Wouldn't dream so much if I was you though...
Kinda funny. I've already seen footage of Iraqi's shaking the hands of American imperilaists to thank them for FREEDOM