Ugh oh Bish


molṑn labé
Staff member
Your friends aren't playing nicely with others.

The head of a national homosexual organization is vowing to politically "punish," "terrify" and "torture" activists who oppose his organization's agenda on "gay" rights – which he says would give him "endless satisfaction."

Matt Foreman, executive director of the National Gay & Lesbian Task Force in Washington, D.C., made the comments in yesterday's edition of Between the Lines, a Detroit area homosexual newsmagazine, the American Family Association of Michigan points out.


Between the Lines interview got Gonz's attention, so it can't be all bad.

The first paragraph is misleading, though thanks for adding a link... the guy was speaking metaphorically.

"I'm … interested in going after, politically, local legislators and leaders that have launched these anti-gay initiatives," he explained. "'We beat you, now we're gonna go back and we're going to affirmatively punish you' – people who launch this stuff, so that they understand not only that they're not going to win, but that there are consequences to it. "We would set up a [political action committee] and go in and terrify them with a credible challenge. ... So we go in, for a modest investment of money and torture these people, which would give me endless satisfaction. And the word would go out very quickly, 'You know what, this really isn't worth it.'"

Looks like the pen will be mightier than the sword.
MrBishop said: got Gonz's attention, so it can't be all bad.

The first paragraph is misleading, though thanks for adding a link... the guy was speaking metaphorically.


Looks like the pen will be mightier than the sword.

Only if the person wielding the pen has the swords to back him up... ;)