UK Teen Banned For Life From US


Well-Known Member
A British teenager who sent an e-mail to the White House calling President Obama a "pr*ck" was banned from the U.S. for life, The Sun reported Monday.

The FBI asked local cops to tell college student Luke Angel, 17, that his drunken insult was "unacceptable."

What a hyper-sensitive prick!

Booooooooooosh!! got called much worse than that and noone got banned from this country!
Are you kidding me? UK Teen Banned From the U.S. ?

Crap we'd better watch out or we could end up
on an irregular rendition flight to some secret location
in a former eastern bloc country?

I mean come on seriously?
How embarrassing is this shit?
UK Teen pwns the one

the next president can lift the ban and
give the kid an all expenses paid trip here


aw poor little monkey baby
Somehow, I think that it takes more than calling the President a prick to get the FBI's attention.

Threathening the life of the president would probably raise a few flags but a basic insult..nah.
Seems the rest of the world is learning from the mistakes of liberalism and making efforts to restore sanity. In the US we moving the opposite direction towards being just another shit-hole nation.
