UKers: Russian Roulette (Channel 4)

I hadn't been that tense since Dirty Den walked back on the Eastenders other words the acting was pretty much similar :eh:
PuterTutor said:

Chiefs are 4 and 0. Yeah buddy.......
Some dude walked into the store today to pick something up from Service maybe fifteen minutes after the game wearing a Bronco's jersey. We laughed at him. I don't think he apprecaited it, but hey, it was still funny. :D
Mirlyn said:
Some dude walked into the store today to pick something up from Service maybe fifteen minutes after the game wearing a Bronco's jersey. We laughed at him. I don't think he apprecaited it, but hey, it was still funny. :D
That dudes got some balls, that's way too close to KC to be wearing that kind of shit.
PuterTutor said:
That dudes got some balls, that's way too close to KC to be wearing that kind of shit.
In case anyone forgot, the entire video department had the TVs on that channel.

Needless to say he exited stage right quite quickly. :D
Jon said:
I managed to catch this on my break at work. Fucking hell, I was tense! :eek:

Hell yeah. :eek:

I liked the "rounds" before though - pretty clever shit, although I guess we expect that kind of stuff from him these days because he is A FREAK.

He was on Jonathon Ross and asked him to "think of a name - any name" and he managed to guess the name of some weird Brazillian kid JR knew at school after a bit of prolonged staring and a few questions.


P.S. There are a lot of sources claiming the round that was loaded was a blank. Thing is... I'm no firearms expert, but isn't firing a blank round at point-blank range into your head going to chafe a little anyway?
A blank cartridge is still based upon a rapidly expanding superheated gas that is pushing along some small bit of wax/plastic/wadding that can kill you. I remember an up and coming actor in the early 80s that put a .44 magnum to his head and fired a blank to amuse his coworkers and it killed him as the massive bubble of gas blew through his skull and scrambled his brain. If he would have just held it away by an inch or two, the gasses would have had somewhere to go... but the seal by contact prevented it.
Nasty. :sick:

Anybody heard of Derren Brown in the US? Great thing about him is that he doesn't claim to have any kind of extra-sensory powers or paranormal ability. He is to psychics what illusionists are to magicians. Incredibly knowledgeable as far as behavioural science goes and a master of subliminal messaging/persuasion and reading body language.

Definitely prefer his brand of "magic" to the likes of Copperfield etc. :vomit:

unclehobart said:
A blank cartridge is still based upon a rapidly expanding superheated gas that is pushing along some small bit of wax/plastic/wadding that can kill you. I remember an up and coming actor in the early 80s that put a .44 magnum to his head and fired a blank to amuse his coworkers and it killed him as the massive bubble of gas blew through his skull and scrambled his brain. If he would have just held it away by an inch or two, the gasses would have had somewhere to go... but the seal by contact prevented it.
Ow... What a hell of a way to go. :sick2:
Wouldn't be the person to have been killed by gas though. Many a Mexican has gone that way.