AlladinSane said:
Just as it is easier to point out UN flaws instead of your own. As for my flaws, you're free to call my attention whenever I act unaccordingly to what I say...
That's because when fired upon, we like to return fire.
It's our right.
Now for question and answer time...I'll ask questions, and you can answer them. Please number your answers, so we can all tell which question you're answering each time, and, at the end, you can sum it up with a short paragraph, mmkay?
1. Since it has now become clear that Iraq did not possess any WMD's at all, why did most of the world, including Iraq (up until the US decided to invade), swear that they did?
2. If the US was only interested in leveraging oil futures, why is our deficit spending at an all-time high, and our economy poised to take a big dive? Since you, yourself, tend to think this was about money and power, it'll be nice to hear your opinion on that one...
3. If the UN is so interested in the health, wealth, and well-being of the whole worlds population, why does it continually act against the worlds best interests, and fail to react to emergencies in a timely manner?