UN Report: No Sudanese genocide

Gato_Solo said:
1. Since it has now become clear that Iraq did not possess any WMD's at all, why did most of the world, including Iraq (up until the US decided to invade), swear that they did?
I don't know where you got that idea, but most people I know didn't believe they exist. All the news and analysis I've seen on TV and net used to say the same thing. That the WMDs were just being used as an excuse. Most gave the benefit of the doubt though, because frankly, one shouldn't set up such operation without having concrete evidence.

2. If the US was only interested in leveraging oil futures, why is our deficit spending at an all-time high, and our economy poised to take a big dive? Since you, yourself, tend to think this was about money and power, it'll be nice to hear your opinion on that one...
Is it? But Gonz did swear it would be up by March last year :D. You know I really don't know how your economy is going. I had read some info that made me think otherwise. Well you want me to give an opinion right? Just that an opinion? I guess the shot went backwards. I think your international affairs are being poorly managed. I noticed the dollar value has been crippling last months and I wonder if all this squirmishes may have had a negative impact on it. Thats just an opinion though, you could say it was because you bought a trillion dollar of stale cookies and I wouldn't know. :shrug:

3. If the UN is so interested in the health, wealth, and well-being of the whole worlds population, why does it continually act against the worlds best interests, and fail to react to emergencies in a timely manner?
Excuse me, when I said UN was a model of good Attributes? Like all the major entities in this world it serves the rich and the powerful. So much that it created all the mess you can see today on palestine. But don't try to sell me the idea that your reality is all that better. You say Afghans are better now. I agree. But I didn't see Bush planning anything on that route before you were hit in that september morning...
The UN stated that what was happening in Sudan wasn't fitting the definition of "Genocide". There's still mass-slaughter going on, rape, torture and other crimes against humanity. The UN would like something done and the criminals brought before the International (War) Crimes Tribunal.

The USA refuses to recognize this Tribunal's authority because that would open their troops and civilians to judgment on foreign land and by foreign judges... which, regardless of guilt or innocence, they don't want. They're also not that fond of having their troops under foreign leadership. So... often, the USA has to circumvent the UN's authority.

I'm sure that eventually, Sudan will fall under the USA's 'next in line' list of countries requiring American-style freedom. In the meanwhile...the killings go on.

I wonder how many more months have to go by before the Sudanese GVT's actions fits under the definition of "Genocide".
MrBishop said:
I wonder how many more months have to go by before the Sudanese GVT's actions fits under the definition of "Genocide".

Canada, Germany, France, New Zealand, Italy...there seem to be plenty of somewhat idle militaries laying around that could use practice.
We're just begun sending in 2nd tour troops into Afghanistan... those are the peace-makers. The peace-keepers should be ready any month now.

Maybe we should rotate a few from Greece, Haiti and the Tsunami-struck regions and into Sudan. We're also in Iraq, training police officers. :shrug:

There's nothing like helicopters falling from the skies to scare the crap out of the Sudan GVT :rofl:

We're stretched a bit thin now.

Prime Minister of Canada said:
But it doesn't really matter, Mr. Martin said, because it's clear what's happening in Darfur are "atrocities."

Moreover, the Darfur crisis might well become another Rwanda "if we don't act very, very quickly."

Canada called for outside intervention as early as last June, and reiterated the urgency of the situation during meetings with AU leaders last week, Mr. Martin said. "We've got to get those troops and they've got to get in there. . . . "People are dying, and they are dying right now. The time for niceties is over."
The plane that crashed in NJ was Canadian made. We should stick to dogsleds I think.
AlladinSane said:
I don't know where you got that idea, but most people I know didn't believe they exist. All the news and analysis I've seen on TV and net used to say the same thing. That the WMDs were just being used as an excuse. Most gave the benefit of the doubt though, because frankly, one shouldn't set up such operation without having concrete evidence.

I'd like to see your information on the matter, because right up to the time we invaded, the UN security council, which imposed the sanctions on Iraq for having the WMD's, claimed they had them.

Is it? But Gonz did swear it would be up by March last year :D. You know I really don't know how your economy is going. I had read some info that made me think otherwise. Well you want me to give an opinion right? Just that an opinion? I guess the shot went backwards. I think your international affairs are being poorly managed. I noticed the dollar value has been crippling last months and I wonder if all this squirmishes may have had a negative impact on it. Thats just an opinion though, you could say it was because you bought a trillion dollar of stale cookies and I wouldn't know. :shrug:

What you think of our 'international affairs' is a moot point. I was talking of your main idea for our invasion. Go figure you'd change the point. ;)

Excuse me, when I said UN was a model of good Attributes? Like all the major entities in this world it serves the rich and the powerful. So much that it created all the mess you can see today on palestine. But don't try to sell me the idea that your reality is all that better. You say Afghans are better now. I agree. But I didn't see Bush planning anything on that route before you were hit in that september morning...

When you, and others, said that the UN should handle the situation, and they refused...several times. Just as a thought, did you know we could've invaded Iraq at any time we wanted once they started breaking the cease-fire? We didn't...mostly because our former president didn't want to do much besides fire a few cruise missiles, and claim he was doing something positive about the situation. Guess he was too busy with Monica to look at the bigger picture.
Sorry if work didn't allow me to reply this before:

Gato_Solo said:
I'd like to see your information on the matter, because right up to the time we invaded, the UN security council, which imposed the sanctions on Iraq for having the WMD's, claimed they had them.
They searched the damn thinng for 10+ years and didn't find a single needle. That was my information on the matter.

What you think of our 'international affairs' is a moot point. I was talking of your main idea for our invasion. Go figure you'd change the point. ;)
Ok, you got me lost here. Are your economy up or down? Were you asking an opinion on economy or on the invasion?

When you, and others, said that the UN should handle the situation, and they refused...several times.
No, what I said was that invading a country without international support would set up a dangerous precedent. Now anyone alleging unclear security reasons could invade any other country on his own reason.

Since you like to ask questions I'll like to hear your opinion on why Washington celebrated the overtrhowing attempt of Hugo Chavez in Venezuela 2002? And why they did recognize the overthrowers as legitimate?