
Didn't know it was off. It locks up from time to time. Being a Microsoft product, it is instantly deemed shaky in quality at best.

I'm watching the Masters Golf tourney on the tv like a galley slave. Its the only sporting weekend lockout of my year.
No. That would be my old employers purchasing agent who did that... a guy by the name of Tony Murphy. He looked like a 7'2 version of Dolph Lundgren on a 140 lbs frame. He was an odd fellow ... and thats coming from me.
my computer is being stoopid today .. it senses that I don't wish to be here ... and my wish will come true because in one hour, I will be sitting in the dentists chair awaiting the chance to be drilled :O
Well.. if its being drilled that you want ... just call me over. I'm cheaper than the dentist, and only slightly less hard on the mouth.
just a word about both msn and aim. they dont always work that well. ive seen it sya people are offline and they arent responding ive had people online and had messages not get through. :shrug: remember that they dont always work
I think its when your connection gets a little interrupt. It derails the program... but the program just freezes in place and doesn't have the common courtesy to just crash properly.
Yep, Trillian is subject to that too. If you log out, then try to log back in it rarely works. You have to exit the program completely then restart it, that usually works.