unclehobart jumps the shark

Leslie said:
I've got a couple here and there...maybe 4...still plucking them till I give up and they win someday...

btw I went brunette last night, no more red for a bit :D

I just got a terrible image in my head. Old women with their hair dyed that blue tint.

The american civil war. Blue in the north, grey in the south.

Now I wanna take my brain out and wash it.
Professur said:
Leslie said:
I've got a couple here and there...maybe 4...still plucking them till I give up and they win someday...

btw I went brunette last night, no more red for a bit :D

I just got a terrible image in my head. Old women with their hair dyed that blue tint.

The american civil war. Blue in the north, grey in the south.

Now I wanna take my brain out and wash it.

I don't think it registered until this moment what a sick fuck you truly are. ;)
HomeLAN said:
I don't intend to go grey. At. All.

See, you wanna be careful about saying shit like that. God'll hear you, and you'll wind up bald before you're Unc's age.

Well, I don't know about the God part, but you sure are jinxing something when you say that kind of crap aloud.
HomeLAN said:
Professur said:
Leslie said:
I've got a couple here and there...maybe 4...still plucking them till I give up and they win someday...

btw I went brunette last night, no more red for a bit :D

I just got a terrible image in my head. Old women with their hair dyed that blue tint.

The american civil war. Blue in the north, grey in the south.

Now I wanna take my brain out and wash it.

I don't think it registered until this moment what a sick fuck you truly are. ;)


UncleHobart said:
Its still a better mental image than blue in the north and a smooth south.

And mate.
The head hair never bothered me that much, shit's falling out anyway. The beard hair bothers me a little. The hobbit foot hair hasn't gone grey yet. The pubes have started though...
Perhaps the question should have been... have you started going grey north or south of the border yet? :rofl3:
I've come across one, maybe two on his head in 2 years. Methinks he was concerned over nothing.
Inkara1 said:
I don't think I'll ever have a gray hair... if only because I'll be bald by the time I'm 25 at the rate I'm going.
Oddly enough, I was thinning a lot in 2001 and 2002... my hairline has changed very little since then. Just over two months until I'm 25 and I don't think I'll be bald by then now.

No gray yet, either.
VERY grey.

but been that way for a while, had the hair dyed with red streaks when I came down here, so when I got them cut the grey showed, everyone laughed and blamed the boys.
Inkara1 said:
Oddly enough, I was thinning a lot in 2001 and 2002... my hairline has changed very little since then. Just over two months until I'm 25 and I don't think I'll be bald by then now.

No gray yet, either.

Hey! You're still a snotnosed kid!!! Time you learnt some respect for your elders then :spank2:

So, when is one supposed to actually start going grey and develop wrinkles etc? I always kinda figured the wrinkles would probably start by the late twenties stage and greying by late thirties or so?
My oma still doesn't really have any gray hairs and she's 70-something. Must be that blonde pigmentation. I only hope I take after her.
i think i'm one of a handful of people -- women, especially -- who doesn't fear greying and instead embraces it as a natural part of aging and maturing.
what does piss me off though is the resistant hairs at my hairline. all along my hairline in the front i have these fine hairs that i could dye and dye and dye, but two days later they're light again. at least most of them are hidden under my bangs, and the rest stick out of the corners of my bangs. i tell myself it's more patricia-like. she's from a rockabilly band i like. *points at icon*

although i'm pretty sure her white bits are intentional.
AlphaTroll said:
Hey! You're still a snotnosed kid!!! Time you learnt some respect for your elders then :spank2:
If you're going to be the one doing the spanking, then I'm certainly open to it. :brow2:
Inkara1 said:
If you're going to be the one doing the spanking, then I'm certainly open to it. :brow2:

Been a long time since I've had to spank someone....but I am sure I remember how it goes :brow: