

molṑn labé
Staff member
Another reason to homeschool.

Sixty-five — again, 65 — of Timken High School’s 490 girl students are pregnant.

That's only the beginning.
Whose fault is it that more than 13 percent of Timken’s girls are with child? Some would say fault-finding isn’t a fruitful exercise, but in this case, it’s critical. Suspects range from movies, TV and video games to lazy parents and lax discipline. Only one thing is sure: Schools don’t impregnate children.

So, ladies, take heed. You now may get pregnant from any number of things & none of them are sex.

A public educator in action
“This has gotten to horrible proportions,” said Redmond. “I wish I knew the answer to why it’s happening.”

Where the fuck is Planned Parenthood? Don't these imbeciles know how to latex a cucumber?
According to the Canton Health Department, through July, 104 of 586 babies born to Canton residents in Aultman Hospital and Mercy Medical Center — the county’s largest hospitals — had mothers between 11 and 19. That’s nearly 18 percent, or three times the total number of babies born at the same hospitals to teen parents living elsewhere in Stark County and beyond.

The whole sad story
I've always loved how they loop in 19-year-olds with "teens" for "teen pregnancy" purposes.
Of course, teaching them how not to become pregnant would be wrong, I'm sure.

The task force recommended a pregnancy prevention curriculum for students in grades 6 through 9,

Can you say "closing the barn door after the horse already escaped?"

Oh, and it's not unexplainable, they know what causes it, you know. :lloyd:
“This has gotten to horrible proportions,” said Redmond. “I wish I knew the answer to why it’s happening.”

Allow me.

First, a young girl meets a male of the species. They presumably go through some degree of a courtship ritual, lasting anywhere from a year or more all the way down to the time it takes to open a beer.

At some point in time, the female exposes her vagina to the male. The male, in turn, inserts his (presumably) erect penis into said vagina. This being a generally pleasurable activity, the process is repeated as rapidly as possible. After some period of time, the male will ejaculate a substance known as semen. This substance contains [Sagan] billions and billions [/Sagan] of tiny organisms called sperm. These sperm will then proceed up the reproductive tract of the female until one reaches her egg. Fertilization may then commence.

Nine months later, the female applies for food stamps, AFDC, WIC, medical insurance, and a variety of other applicable programs designed to assist her (presumably). She will give birth to a small humanoid creature known as a baby. This is technically the termination of the period known as "teen pregnancy". The male, most likely, will be found skulking about a McDonald's, oblivious to his responsibility to do something known in some circles as "parenting". While this can (amazingly enough) be accomplished completely without the existence of government subsidized classes and financial incentives, in most cases the male will eschew this step of the process. The female, for her part, will most often shift this portion of the procedure to her own parents if possible, and revert to the pattern of activity which led to this whole mess in the first place...armed, of course, with her government handouts.

There. That clear things up for y'all any?

I thought the applications started before the actual birth. It takes time to 'get in the system' after all. Lord knows medicaid has already been shelling it out hand over fist up to that point.
Shit, that's only 13%.

1998. Owen Valley HS in Spencer, Indiana. 18% of graduating females had been prego during HS. 18% of GRADUATING females. Doesn't count those that dropped out.
Professur said:
I'm thinking you people need to be thinking about seperate schools for boys and girls.
So is it one "randy " male student or another case of "teachers gone wild",because even if 13-18% of the females is pregnant ,doesn't mean that even 10% of the male students is getting lucky.

See ,now if they were all practising Homosexuals ,we wouldn't have all these problems. :devious:
SnP said:
Nine months later, the female applies for food stamps, AFDC, WIC, medical insurance, and a variety of other applicable programs...

A.B.Normal said:
So is it one "randy " male student or another case of "teachers gone wild",because even if 13-18% of the females is pregnant ,doesn't mean that even 10% of the male students is getting lucky.

See ,now if they were all practising Homosexuals ,we wouldn't have all these problems. :devious:

You know, you're absolutely right. That 13-18% got preggers probably mean that 50 -70% were getting nookie.

And if they were all homos ..... they'd be running up bills for HIV meds instead of Pampers. Great trade off.
Professur said:
And if they were all homos ..... they'd be running up bills for HIV meds instead of Pampers. Great trade off.

So you believe HIV in teens is solely due to their sexual orientaion . :crying4:
Not at all. I do believe, however that young men are more likely to have sex with older men than young women are to have sex with older men. Last time I checked, women having sex with women wasn't terribly high on the transmission scale.
Professur said:
Not at all. I do believe, however that young men are more likely to have sex with older men than young women are to have sex with older men. Last time I checked, women having sex with women wasn't terribly high on the transmission scale.

But sharing needles...
SouthernN'Proud said:
But sharing needles...

Isn't going to have any bearing on the discussion. Last time I checked, both gays and straights get diseases from sharing needles.

We're discussing the pros and cons of stopping teen prenancy by encouraging homosexual behavior for children. Do try to keep up, there's a good chap.
needles is out, but the thought of aids as the homosexual problem is OLD thinking.

What those kids need is education, free and easy access to condoms, and a kick in the ass.

(or a free lunch program, and you slip the pill into the food)

I remember sex ed in high school, 1990..we where scared into using condoms/ not one pregnant teen in my highschool.
Damn, I keep forgetting how young you are. Our STDs merely had you pissing clumps until the meds did their job. A week of that, and you'll happily wear a condom just to take a piss without crying.
Professur said:
Damn, I keep forgetting how young you are. Our STDs merely had you pissing clumps until the meds did their job. A week of that, and you'll happily wear a condom just to take a piss without crying.

well with the new stuff going around, the thought of getting one to learn your lesson.....

as you lie in the hospice bed slowly dying, damn that lesson is learnt
10 to 20 years down the road. Too little too late. The old ones could beat you into submission within days.
Professur said:
10 to 20 years down the road. Too little too late. The old ones could beat you into submission within days.

Hence we were scared ARE scared.

why are the new generation not scared, i don't get it.