paul_valaru said:needles is out, but the thought of aids as the homosexual problem is OLD thinking.
What those kids need is education, free and easy access to condoms, and a kick in the ass.
Gonz said:Leave out the condoms & the education part. They've proven to be ineffective.
Professur said:I'll tell you why. Because now there are treatments. Now there's hope for a cure. It's not the automatic death sentence it used to be.
paul_valaru said:and history has proven the kicking in the ass solution didn't do so good either.
Gonz said:Show me one school, pre-Sexual revolution, that had a 13% pregnancy rate
Paul said:bring back the fear, stop coddling the lil bastids.
Gonz said:Show me one school, pre-Sexual revolution, that had a 13% pregnancy rate
paul_valaru said:society has changed since then, kids ARE having sex younger, it is more open society, whether you think it is a good thing or a bad thing, it is the way things are right now,.
paul_valaru said:society has changed since then, kids ARE having sex younger, it is more open society, whether you think it is a good thing or a bad thing, it is the way things are right now,.
paul_valaru said:bring back the fear, stop coddling the lil bastids.
Gonz said:Take back adult authority & begin parenting again.
Gonz said:Show me one school, pre-Sexual revolution, that had a 13% pregnancy rate
SouthernN'Proud said:Also curious to note the correlation between declining belief in God as a society and increase in stuff like teen pregnancy. Right about the time we started trying to ban school prayer, we started seeing knocked up cheerleaders.
Gonz said:Interesting that, for all the good intentions of the 60s so many have proven to be utter failures.
Gato_Solo said:How are your rights holding up?![]()
This mother should be brought up on child neglect charges.FOREMAN: School officials, such as Dianne Talarico, are scrambling to explain how they're working with parents, students and community groups to bring the teen pregnancy rate under control.
TALARICO: For 20 years, it has been steadily decreasing and graduation rates are increasing. So, we are clearly doing some right things.
RUSH: Hold it, hold it, hold it, hold it. Stop it. Wait a second. If it's decreasing, how come we're hearing about it now? If 65 out of 490 are pregnant is "progress," what was it last year? What was it two years ago? And why didn't we hear about it then? Let's resume tape.
FOREMAN: That's cold comfort to 16-year-old Rachel Hinton, whose back-to school shopping will include a stop at the maternity store. Like many, she knew about birth control, knew about the risks of early sex.
RACHEL HINTON: I never planned on getting pregnant. I mean, to me, it was something that always happened to that other girl. You know, I never could get pregnant. I'm too good to get pregnant (giggle) but here I am (giggle).
FOREMAN: It's tricky business, though. Schools say they can't do all the parenting, while some parents say...
JOANNE HINTON: Well, I'm not going to totally blame the school system. I'm going to take part of the blame. But I can only be there so much for her.
paul_valaru said:society has changed since then, kids ARE having sex younger, it is more open society, whether you think it is a good thing or a bad thing, it is the way things are right now,.