Unidos Estados de America


molṑn labé
Staff member
LOS ANGELES — A new man is in charge of border relations for Mexico and he has some radical ideas for change at the border with the United States.

Arturo Gonzalez Cruz (search), a 52-year-old Tijuana businessman, says many improvements are needed at the border to benefit trade, including creating more lanes and adding border crossings. Ultimately, Cruz says flat out, he wants to see the border disappear.

sounds like another nutcase...

About 3 million illegal immigrants cross the border from Mexico into the United States each year. Cruz's office says it doesn't deal with that issue, despite the fact he will be in charge of fostering better channels of communication between people involved in border issues.

another guy with weird ideas, while the actual problem is being ignored. sigh. politicians...
I like the way the Mess-kins protect THEIR southern border
a model for exactly how we should protect OURS!!!

Oh but that wouldn't be PC
not PC at all...
Ground sensors and automated turrets every 500yds. lol

The summer right after (getting) high-skool we went to see "Social Distortion" the "Cramps" and "Dead Kennedy’s" at the Los Angeles Palladium. To make a long story short; we were on our way to Honduras, one of the 3 VW busses we had received 2-bullet holes in Guatemala just before we got to the Honduran border. We never made it to Honduras that trip. (early 80’s)