
Engineering is a very proud profession. I just hope you don't get your ass kicked for using it for your own personal gain and not having pride in the profession.
Nixy said:
Is this an exception?


Way back when you were being born (dammit), I was entering the college of engineering down at the University of Florida. I don't remember seeing any girls in the department that were as pretty as you. If you're trying to start a trend, then on behalf of all the geeks out there, I thank you. :)
:love3:I love geeks:love3:

There are more girls in Eng now then there were then.

There are about 80 or 90 out of the 750 first years.

What's this? Going back on topic? I am sorely disappointed in you Les :disgust2:
LastLegionary said:
Luis G said:
ohhhhhh wait, i know some biochemical engineering girls that are VERY nice, although biochemical is not considered a "real engineering" :D
huh? Really? Up here it most certainly is a real engineering discipline.

Biochemical engineering is too easy compared to another disciplines, hence my opinion about it not being "real engineering" ;)
Leslie said:
mmm, lovely :D I surely would!

There's about six or seven total. You want to PM me your addy, or should I keep posting them here?

Here's another to look at while you decide...


pic19134.jpg, 46.95kb

Governmant quotas?

Do you mean like a certain number of girls have to be let in?


People get in because of their ability not because they're male or female. That is discrimination sweetie.
Nixy said:
Governmant quotas?

Do you mean like a certain number of girls have to be let in?


People get in because of their ability not because they're male or female. That is discrimination sweetie.
Yes it is, and universities in Ontario are required to take in a specific number of female students. We discussed it quite extensively last semester in Professional and Business Ethics class.
Nixy said:
People get in because of their ability not because they're male or female.

They stay in because they turn in their work on time. :p

Go on, sweety... we'll still be here when you're done. :)
If this university needed to let extra girls in just to reach quota I HIGHLY doubt they let them into engineering.

If they were going to let them in it would be into a) a program that doesn't have such a rigid cut off limit and b) a program without such a high average to get in.

I am going, I am going

Leslie said:
omfg! :eek:

Keep Posting! :headbang:

Hehehe. I probably should have saved that one for last. It's the best of the bunch... of course, your taste in men may be different. :p

Anyway, here's a couple more...


pic00202.jpg, 51.84kb


pic10325.jpg, 29.71kb

Yeah, the other was definitely the best of the lot, but these were worth a look anyway :D :headbang:
:eek2: @ Nixy (please do post a picture of you wearing that drink, preferrably only that drink :brow: :D)

Sexiest engineer...wait, forget engineer, you're just the sexiest! :brow: