Union's "Day of Protest" causing chaos in Montreal


Well-Known Member
MONTREAL -- Thousands of Montreal commuters scrambled to get to work Thursday after labour protests left hundreds of buses idle at the beginning of a day of provincewide protests against Premier Jean Charest's government.


Some Montreal transit commission garages remained closed, forcing many people to walk to the closest subway system or find other means of transport. (No busses)

More than one-half of public day-care centres in the province were to close for the day (No daycare)

The Centre hospitalier de l'Universite de Montreal cancelled 3,000 appointments including many surgeries (No Nurses)

Access was limited to the Port of Montreal as banner-waving protesters disrupted traffic (Traffic jams and a stop in shipping to/from Montreal)

Demonstrations in several cities last week turned to vandalism and minor violence, although no arrests were made. Union activists forced their way past staffers into the riding offices of three Liberal members of the legislature, plastering the walls with stickers and spreading around peanut shells and shredded documents. (no safety in the streets)

Several dozen protesters also stormed into a Montreal children's hospital, scuffling with security guards and staging a noisy rally. (This one ticks me off...no safety in the CHILDREN'S HOSPITAL)

Fuck, but unions drive me nuts sometimes. This, BTW, is on the heels of a transit strike which created chaos in traffic for a one-week period.
Wow, any more sources on what exactly these people are all pissed off about? This sounds pretty serious.

Oh, I agree too, protest all you want, but a noisy rally in a childrens hospital, that's just fucking wrong.
people where suprised I showed up this morning as I bus it in part of the way.

the unions are not winning themselves any supporters like this, I think we are going to see sweeping changes against unions after all teh dust has settled
Re: Union's

Tell me about it. The unions are never happy with what they have and get. All they know how to do is disrupt the lives of everyone else in this province. What bugs the shit out of me half the time is they're always asking for more money etc. They already get paid pretty damn good salaries, half the time for barely doing anything, while the rest of us poor saps work our asses off for next to nothing. They're never happy, so no one else is allowed to be happy.
Such is the price to pay when the pendulum swings too far to one side or the other in regards to central planning or unchecked freedom. The central planning has allowed to great a reliance upon public transport and the unions know it. They are just taking advantage of the situation and should be fired.