Unsure of who to vote for?

This should be interesting. Whatever the one Gonz least agrees with, I'd lay money on it being the guy I most agree with, but I am not gonna say yet....

Duncan Hunter 10.17%


Fred Thomson 13.56%

Are the worst ones for me, and I'd lay money on one of those two being Gonz's top candidate.

The thing that bothers me is The only candidate that is a near match for me that I think has any chance of winning, is not going to get the democratic nomination, and he is fourth on the list of most compatible candidates of mine. No question I lean left, but the democratic presidential field is a mess! It's gonna be once again a vote for the lesser of two evils for me. My number one guy couldn't win the nomination if the entire field of competitors was killed and the only other choice was Jesse Jackson. Jesse would take it from this guy. It's not his politics that are stopping him he just doesn't have "presidentail charisma". Take three guesses who he is and the first two don't count.

The worst part, is I am almost sure unless something shakes out and shakes things up by election time, we are gonna have another republican president, fortunately I don't see the dems losing congress again any time soon though. It makes me want to join the republican party and campaign for the least distasteful of them.
As much as Bush has gone downhill, I'd still vote for him over any of the Democrats running in '08. Talk about an anti-Vietnam Rally run amock crowd.
Colorado Representative Tom Tancredo (R)
92.75% match

California Representative Duncan Hunter (R) - 85.51%
Former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney (R) - 79.71%
Former Tennessee Senator Thompson (R) - 78.99%
then I went back and answered it like a commie who wants his mommie
and surprise surprise look who it pooped out!

Ohio Representative Dennis Kucinich (D)
100.00% match
Former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee (R) - 70%

oh no wait that can't be right i'm a pussy liberal.
minkey is a closted conservative who, between his union surroundings as a lad, college & Seattle, is pressured into being a pussy liberal. It's peer pressure. However, when he actually chooses to say something besides the snide remarks, his true colors come out.
and then he's ashamed and has white hetero guilt
and over compensates

and goes and hugs a tree and a fag and feels better
Former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney (R)
85.38% match

California Representative Duncan Hunter (R) - 77.69%
Arizona Senator John McCain (R) - 73.85%
Former Tennessee Senator Thompson (R) - 73.85%

I be damned. Me, voting for a Taxachusetts yankee. That's gonna happen...

Jeff Davis in '08. Long overdue. :grinyes:
J Davis '08.

Alright. Just so long as Mr THompson or Mr Hunter or Mr Tancredo is his VP (it'll be a new record-from VP to President in twelve seconds or less) Mr Davis is toast before the race begins :D
Ohio Representative Dennis Kucinich (D)
70.83% match

Delaware Senator Joseph Biden (D) - 58.33%
New York Senator Hillary Clinton (D) - 54.17%*puke2*
Connecticut Senator Christopher Dodd (D) - 54.17%

i don't know who 3/4 of those people are *hides*
hmmm, free college, wtf? no death penalty? "Protecting a woman's right to choose while decreasing the number of abortions performed in the U.S." *ponders logistics of that*, and gun control shmun-control.

like srsly. how did the thing pick this guy for me? i told it the opposite of those issues.
Dennis is wicked & twisted to the point of being a danger, not only to himself & those around him but, to society in general.