Unsure of who to vote for?

I think the saying goes something like: if you're 20 and not a liberal, you have no heart, and if you're 40 and not a conservative, you have no brain.
the older i get, the less i like democrats.

Congratulations, ash, and welcome to adulthood! Most people outgrow Demonrat-edness by age 25. The rest get laughed at by the grown ups.

Your folks will be SO proud of you! *pinches cheeks* You're all growed up now. Rejoice!
Christ! Giuliani at 66.35%!

Followed by:
Delaware Senator Joseph Biden (D) - 64.42%
New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson (D) - 64.42%
Wisconsin Governor Tommy Thompson (R) - 62.50%
Congratulations, ash, and welcome to adulthood! Most people outgrow Demonrat-edness by age 25. The rest get laughed at by the grown ups.

Your folks will be SO proud of you! *pinches cheeks* You're all growed up now. Rejoice!

my parents are disappointed in me :( i told my mom i was going to vote republican for the governor last year, and she, like, didn't talk to me for a day.
fucking o'malley won anyway, though.
Congratulations, ash, and welcome to adulthood! Most people outgrow Demonrat-edness by age 25. The rest get laughed at by the grown ups.

Damn, republicans seem to never tire of making childish statements that are easily proven wrong.

research fails to demonstrate that polital party affiliation changes in systematic ways as individuals age


You guys just make it too easy. :laugh:
like srsly. how did the thing pick this guy for me? i told it the opposite of those issues.

Given the number of issues on the quiz you must have agreed on most of them (70%) but still disagreed on a few. Sounds like if you consider all the issues you certainly lean democrat.
It is catagorically impossible to consider any issue, much less all of them, and still lean demonrat. Mutually exclusive terms. Like campus security, progressive liberal, or jumbo shrimp.
It is catagorically impossible to consider any issue, much less all of them, and still lean demonrat.

In truth it's incredibly hard to consider actual facts, use intelligence and objectiveness and still lean redumblican. The easy way is to spout off false statements as if they were true like you did above and then put on the blindfold when some comes along and proves you wrong.
i do have democratic leanings, but i think i lean somewhere toward the middle of the spectrum, rather than to the liberal side (because imo, a lot of "liberal" thinkings try to take away freedoms). it's mostly the democratic politicians and those that get too caught up in politics that bother me. it would be fine without the loudmouthed idiots. but... i guess that's true of every political party!
Ohio Representative Dennis Kucinich (D)
70.83% match

Delaware Senator Joseph Biden (D) - 58.33%
New York Senator Hillary Clinton (D) - 54.17%*puke2*
Connecticut Senator Christopher Dodd (D) - 54.17%

i don't know who 3/4 of those people are *hides*

If that is your results, you are at least 70% liberal. Just because you disagree with some of the issues Kucinich stands for, obviously you agree with him more than not. It's pretty uncool to be a liberal, but please don't vote republican, just because it's cool :grinyes:

Why the hell would you even be thinking about it when you agree with them 30%?!?
hmmm i wonder if 30% considers... character?

nah that doesn't matter anymore. it's all a bunch of bandwagon twits.