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Kruz said:****Update From Today****
My sister in-law got a call at 3:30am this morning telling her to get Drew to the hospital. They did his blood work yesterday and they had bacteria growing in the sample by the middle of the night. She got up got him to the hospital and they started meds right away. They are going to redo his central line because it is most likely to be coming from there.
Then we get the even better news that the cancer is being hard to deal with and not only is he going to have to go to Baltimore for the stem cell transplant for 6 to 8 weeks. He is also go to have to go to NY for antibodies treatments for 6 months. With all the chemo he has got so far the cancer is still spreading and not going away. They now have found it on one of his lungs. They still plan to remove the tumor but it is going to cost him a kidney so far.
Thanks for your thoughts and prayers...