Urgent Request! KoC Forum


New Member
I didn't realize that the KoC forum is open for guests/not logged in people to view. Isn't this a VERY BAD THING?

We post names in that forum, and statistics about ourself that others might not ought to know. :s

I didn't realize it was a public forum for guests to view.

I strongly request that this be changed. Just a personal opinion, and others may feel differently. But I guess that's what posting in here does - gets everyone's feelings.

So .... opinions?
I back that. I'd hate to get slaughtered by someone who knows all my stats from the KoC forum. Bleh.
Maybe something like XXX number of posts to access ,to keep the lurkers from simply registering and then plundering? Not sure if its technically possible,but simply limiting it to registered members wouldn't stop someone intent.
BTW ,I don't do KOC ,but you all seem to enjoy it and right now I'm sure typing your USERNAMES into a search engine would pull up the KOC forum ,seeing as we have an infestation of "spiders".
Who me? :tardbang:

.... One day you'll be sorry you called me names.... I WILL comquer the universe.... I WILL be your leader.... I WILL get a free Mcflurrie with every meal............
Aunty Em said:
Who me? :tardbang:

.... One day you'll be sorry you called me names.... I WILL comquer the universe.... I WILL be your leader.... I WILL get a free Mcflurrie with every meal............

Not before I do. *runs out the door* Last one to conquer the world is a rotten egg!