US fails to beat Canadians


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ORONO, Me. (AP) - On a bitter cold night with wind chills of -37 to -43 degrees C, the University of Maine hoped to create enough heat Friday night to reclaim the world kissing record from Canada but fell short.

The university set a record on Valentine's Day 1996 with 1,420 couples smooching at once but it was broken in 2000 when 1,588 couples locked lips in Sarnia, Ont.

On Friday, 943 couples took part. Organizers blamed the low turnout on cold weather and Maine's loss in a hockey game earlier in the evening, when lots of students left the game before the kissing event began.

<homer> In your face, Shelbyville

Don't sweat it PT...The Americans all ended up with wet fingers at least. The Canadians just kissed
If you want to beat the canadians you have to hit them harder. Try a bigger baseball bat next time. :D