US releases pre-pubescent gitmo detainee


this is really disgusting. kid ends up in gitmo at age 12. enjoys the local hospitality. gets released at 17.

wonder how fucked up he's gonna be?

what have we created?

what have we become? this the kinda shit that evil men like that guy we removed from power in iraq would do.

why didn't anybody (other than the one guy in the article) grow some balls at gitmo and look after this kid?
Mohammed Jawad returned to Afghanistan this week after a military judge ruled that he was coerced into confessing that he threw a grenade at an unmarked vehicle in the capital in 2002. The attack wounded two American soldiers and their interpreter

yeah, he was just an innocent child :rolleyes:
ok, here's the way I see it....

The war is not like other war, or police actions.
The enemy is different ethically fundamentally.

New situations are there for arising, and so dealing with it is evolving.

Do I agree wholly with how it was handled? no
I don't however think an investigation at this point will help.
I do like to reprogramming operation in place now to help these youngsters understand.

they're different. they don't have the ethics we do.

reprogramming the youth is the answer.

should we get them armbands? have 'em chant pro-american slogans in unison? march and shoot? should we start 'em in pre-school?


WTF dude? are you wanting to emulate north korea or something?
We've been sending kids to "gladiator schools" (our prison system, any kid over 12 is apt to be tried as an adult for any violent crime) for years! Why in the hell should we not treat foreign criminals worse? I mean come on, these towel headed camel jockey Muslim extremists are not human, so why should they be afforded human rights?!?

We need a good solid conservative in charge so we won't be as soft as we are on these vermin! That kid should have been tortured for years then executed in public and on TV in Afghanistan as a lesson to those scumbags!

Why do you hate 'Merica so much mink?!?

they're different. they don't have the ethics we do.

reprogramming the youth is the answer.

should we get them armbands? have 'em chant pro-american slogans in unison? march and shoot? should we start 'em in pre-school?


WTF dude? are you wanting to emulate north korea or something?

it's my understanding that they are being taught afgan ways that are passive.
Not so much american values, except to the degree of being more passive.

These kids were programmed already, or he wouldn't have been throwing grenades.

programming, deprogramming, couselling...
what ever you want to call it.
These kids are taught to hate, and kill.
That kind of thinking has to be addressed.

I'm not for trying to imposed a religion on them, just try to help them
understand that something is wrong with their current interpretation of where
they are supposed to kill us.

btw, the program I'm referring to was implemented be obama, and the dems.
it's my understanding that they are being taught afgan ways that are passive.

wtf does "ways that are passive" even mean?

to follow their leaders' interpretations of scripture without question? (sound familiar?)

to resist foreign invaders? (hmmm sounds really passive to me...)

how exactly are afghan ways passive? did they learn that shit while booting the russkies out?

btw, the program I'm referring to was implemented be obama, and the dems.

and what would that be?

details, please. links, please. something - anything - of substance, please.
Oooohhhh!! What have we created? What have we become? :rolleyes:

Please. Jawad should've been shot dead when he pitched that grenade.

Isn't the bigger question in that story really why, oh why does the 0bama admin. continue to hold these brave freedom fighters who were doing nothing more than defending their way of life in the face of the invasion by the eeeeeeevil Boooooooosh admin. without charging them?

Although the Obama administration says it's closing Guantanamo, hundreds of Afghans are still being held without charge at the U.S. military base at Bagram near the Kabul.
what part of COERCED don't YOU understand?

oh, that's right, even prepubescent muslims are all terrorists...

People who throw grenades are combatants. If they are not following the rules of the Geneva Convention, then they are illegal combatants. Since there is some concern as to whether this kid is going to be okay now, perhaps, in hindsight, we should've riddled his arse with bullets. Would've saved us a crapload of comments like this one, and a few others that are sure to come up now that he's been released. :p

BTW...Why do you keep trying to call all Muslims terrorists? It's only about 1% of the population...ANY population...thats fanatical enough to do terrorist acts...
So what if he was "coerced" to confess? Doesn't mean he wasn't committing terrorist activities against the U.S. He threw a grenade at 2 American soldiers and their translator. Is encouraging an unlawful combatant to confess a crime yet?

Your title is misleading. If you read that article, it says he was 17, not 12 when he was taken into custody.

The Pentagon has said a bone scan showed he was about 17 when taken into custody.
Coerced into confessing means he may have just been innocent and someone else threw the grenade.

I'm not sure why that's so hard to understand.
Yes some boy threw a grenade so they took this boy and tortured him and coerced him into saying he did something that he may not have done.

Good stuff there.