US releases pre-pubescent gitmo detainee

great question.

doesn't seem like many are interested in what actually happened, does it?

cato, cerise, gonz, gato...

oh well.

i guess we really don't need to have any sense of due process to even determine whether or not someone is actually an enemy combatant, huh?

gotta make you proud to be an american!
i guess we really don't need to have any sense of due process to even determine whether or not someone is actually an enemy combatant, huh?

Nope. There is no due process to determine whether or not someone is an enemy combatant...unless you count that grenade. See...thet there is what we call a hostile attack. That is all the due process needed when one is in a war zone. Due process involves police officers, judges, juries, and lawyers. Nice try, though.
You're making the unwarranted assumption that this boy threw the grenade.

And you're making the unwarranted assumption that he didn't.

Further information is necessary. What does "coerced" actually refer to? Did they torture him, or just aggressively interrogate him?

He confessed. He claimed to be coerced into it. Which of these is the lie, and which is the truth? If he did throw the grenade, then there is no argument that he is not an enemy combatant, and cannot be taken as a prisoner of war. If he didn't throw the grenade, then there is no justification for his imprisonment.

Without more detailed information regarding how he was "coerced", this debate is moot. "coerced" might mean tortured until he told a lie. It also might mean that he was interrogated and 'scared straight' into telling the truth.
And you're making the unwarranted assumption that he didn't.

No, I am not. I have been careful with my wording to not make that assumption and yet you accuse me of it anyway.

Further information is necessary. What does "coerced" actually refer to? Did they torture him, or just aggressively interrogate him?

The judge who had all the information found that his coerced statement was not valid.
this is really disgusting. kid ends up in gitmo at age 12. enjoys the local hospitality. gets released at 17.

wonder how fucked up he's gonna be?

what have we created?

what have we become? this the kinda shit that evil men like that guy we removed from power in iraq would do.

why didn't anybody (other than the one guy in the article) grow some balls at gitmo and look after this kid?

The judge who had all the information found that his coerced statement was not valid.

A criminal who volunteers a confession, with full & complete details of their crime, can not be tried under such a confession, without state supported evidence. Fucked up but true.

With that in mind, define valid.
Don't be too paranoid there, skippadeedooodaaaa :shrug:

I feel the need to point out one thing. If someone puts a live grenade in my hand ... it's gonna be awful hard to coerce me to do anything. You're holding a gun that might kill me ... I'm holding a bomb that will kill everyone in the room. I don't think you're making me do anything anymore.
that's why they need the program early
They still need some raising
Even then it may not take with some of um, but it's worth the shot,
to change the perspective.
great question.

doesn't seem like many are interested in what actually happened, does it?

cato, cerise, gonz, gato...

oh well.

i guess we really don't need to have any sense of due process to even determine whether or not someone is actually an enemy combatant, huh?

gotta make you proud to be an american!

did this not get addressed...I thought it did.

I'll try to find what I read, but there where at least 2 other witnesses, that
actually saw him throwing it.
yeah you know it's really not all that compelling whatever you come up with now since y'all were all ready to say he was bad bad bad WITHOUT HAVING ANY IDEA AS TO FACTS other than he was afghani and he mighta done something.

facts - whatever they are - cannot save you now.