US releases pre-pubescent gitmo detainee

oh, I've seen the faces of people that look like, and may have had rougher
lives, in this area.
Mo Jawad admitted he was 16 years old at the time of his capture.

Why, and who changed his age to 12?
family says he was around 12. that's what the picture looks like. he seems to be insisting he was 12 here.

but he must be wrong, and so must his family. the pentagon knows all! OBEY!!!!
I'm sure his lawyers thought it would play better to contradict himself and say he was 12 when he was captured, bone scan aside.

In this recent picture is he 19 or 23?


hmmm. looks like he been through puberty here so it's a bit harder to tell huh?

but nice work on posting picture of angry muslim. he gonna come for your lily white ass!!!
so who you gonna believe, the kid or the soldiers who picked him up in the first place? I'd go with the soldiers.

Do you actually know what happened? No soldiers said they saw him throw a grenade as far as I know.
but nice work on posting picture of angry muslim. he gonna come for your lily white ass!!!

Are you purposely ignoring the fact that he said in his own words that at the time of his detention he was 16 years old?


A 16 year old then, and a 23 year old now.

Not 12 and 19.
nice source, cerise.

got anything more respectable and verifiable?

because when i google "jawad 16 years old" i seem to get a lot of stuff about him claiming he was 12, and the pentagon saying he was 16, 17, or 18. goddamn sounds like pentygon is as confused as anybody!
You've got something against a Muslim writing for a Canadian news source??

not particularly, since i'm obviously a muslim-lover and favor them over the old red white and blue, right leni?

but you might wanna get some more sources, per my earlier comment on google results.

oh, right, you're not interested in that kind of thing. i forgot.

just wave your flag and move along then.
It means your site is a little sketchier than the Times.

Not sure how that would be racist.

Seems like for some reason both of you appear to think a Muslim writing for a Canadian news source is not credible. Why else would you criticize the source? It must be because of his heritage. Or the country he resides in. Surely it can't be because of the quality of his words. I'm sure we'll never know. Regardless, for shame. :disgust: