US Troops execute civilian women and children, blow up house, burn cars, kill pets


Tuesday's news conference came as it emerged that the U.S. military was investigating reports that American soldiers executed 11 Iraqi civilians, including four children and a baby.

An Iraqi police report obtained by the Knight Ridder news agency said five children under school age, four women and two men were shot dead by U.S. troops during a raid on a house near the city of Balad last Wednesday.

The house in the village of Abu Sifa was then blown up, the report, which is signed by Iraqi police officers, says.

After listing other incidents in the area, the official report for March 15 states: "American forces used helicopters to drop troops on the house of Faiz Harat Khalaf situated in the Abu Sifa village of the Ishaqi district.

"The American forces gathered the family members in one room and executed 11 people, including five children, four women and two men, then they bombed the house, burned three vehicles and killed their animals."

Among victims the report lists two five-year-old children, two three-year-olds and a six-month-old baby

Re: US Troops execute civilian women and children, blow up house, burn cars, kill pet

Awesome keep up the good work!
Re: US Troops execute civilian women and children, blow up house, burn cars, kill pet

I swear I almost put "Winky will love this" below the article. I knew something about shooting babies would put a smile on your face.
Re: US Troops execute civilian women and children, blow up house, burn cars, kill pet

Daumn straight mofo,

I like my burnt babies with mayonnaise on 'em!
Re: US Troops execute civilian women and children, blow up house, burn cars, kill pet

Is there a point to this thread? I thought we had it figured out after Abu Ghraib that the military has the occasional bad seed just like society as a whole, and just like that incident, those responsible for this will be tried and, if found guilty of wrongdoing, punished. Unless, of course, you somehow think this was under direct orders from the commander in chief. As for me, I'd have to file this under "typical journalism for a company that was trying to increase its share price to get top dollar from McClatchy."
Re: US Troops execute civilian women and children, blow up house, burn cars, kill pet

You don't think it's newsworthy? Weird.
Re: US Troops execute civilian women and children, blow up house, burn cars, kill pet

When you have another Mỹ Lai get back to us...
Re: US Troops execute civilian women and children, blow up house, burn cars, kill pet

Allow me to counter that question with another: do you think the clip posted elsewhere here about the new drinking water setup in an Iraqi town, put together with the help of US forces, is newsworthy?
Re: US Troops execute civilian women and children, blow up house, burn cars, kill pet

Sure, hopefully the water supply will be back to pre-invasion levels soon.

These people won't be using it though.
Re: US Troops execute civilian women and children, blow up house, burn cars, kill pet

Why not just group all the sensationalist articles you drag up under the heading "Why I hate Bush"?

I am unsure of the purpose of the thread - we all know there are a number of screw ups going on over there and we all know that it will be a long time coming before anyone in power is willing to admit they buggered up. But it seems to me you are posting these articles with the sole intention of irking certain members. What I don't get is why you do it?
I wonder if his news sources ever mention the hundreds of thousands killed by their troops, government, and religious psychopaths? Apparently only the US is capable of exploitation, murder, and rape.
US Troops execute civilian women and children, blow up house, burn cars, kill pets

Pales in comparison to the thousands of innocents killed at the World Trade Center. IF one chooses to believe a source this poster would use in the first place.
Ok guys in all fairness, you are jumping on this cause it is Flavio, while yes I do have him iggied I do read the NEW posts, and the not political ones.

The story is newsworthy, American troops executed innocent civilians.

"The American forces gathered the family members in one room and executed 11 people, including five children, four women and two men, then they bombed the house, burned three vehicles and killed their animals."

Since when is that right, or even close to being condonable.

Discuss the question, the story, not the poster.

Where was Hugh Thompson when they needed him (my lai reference).
SouthernN'Proud said:
Forgot the word "allegedly".

Still pales in comparison to what occurred in NYC.


But when did we start playing one up with atrocities?

What does one have to do with the other.

Story at hand is American Troops killing civilians, is this a good thing or a bad thing, discuss.
Re: US Troops execute civilian women and children, blow up house, burn cars, kill pet

unclehobart said:
I wonder if his news sources ever mention the hundreds of thousands killed by their troops, government, and religious psychopaths? Apparently only the US is capable of exploitation, murder, and rape.
Every country has exploitation, murder, and rape I think. Does that make it ok or something?

southern said:
Pales in comparison to the thousands of innocents killed at the World Trade Center. IF one chooses to believe a source this poster would use in the first place.
The number of innocents killed in WTC pales in comparison to the number of Iraqis the US has killed. What do they have to do with each other though?

alpha said:
Why not just group all the sensationalist articles you drag up under the heading "Why I hate Bush"?

I am unsure of the purpose of the thread
Why sensationalist? There's a thread about boy getting shot for walking on a lawn. I thought 11 people getting killed who didn't do anything was reasonable....:shrug:
The probe comes a day after Time magazine published allegations that U.S. Marines executed at least 15 civilians in another town in November.

A criminal inquiry into those deaths was launched last week.

Time said a patrol went on a shooting rampage after a U.S. marine was killed by a roadside bomb in Haditha, west of Baghdad.

The magazine published detailed accounts by local residents, including nine-year-old Eman Waleed, who said she remembered troops pointing their guns through the door of her living room.

"I watched them shoot my grandfather, first in the chest and then in the head," she said. "Then they killed my granny."

Military investigators will now ask if the civilians died in crossfire or were targeted deliberately in a potential war crime.

Time reporter Bobby Ghosh told the BBC that a videotape, given to the magazine by an Iraqi human rights group, had shown the civilians "could not have been killed by a roadside bomb".

"Their bodies were riddled with bullets," he said. "There was evidence there had been gunfire inside their homes, there were blood spatters inside their homes."

Time says it handed over its findings to the U.S. military, which began investigating the incident in January.

The preliminary investigation confirmed that members of two Iraqi families were killed by the marines, though it described the deaths as collateral damage.

So major legitimate new sources have reported these ALLEGED things, and there is an active investigation, so obviously the military knows that something happened. It could be another My Lai type of incident, bad things happen in war, and laws are broken, those who break them should be punished, I don't see the controversy, or the need to compare it to terrorist attacks on US soil.
unclehobart said:
I wonder if his news sources ever mention the hundreds of thousands killed by their troops, government, and religious psychopaths? Apparently only the US is capable of exploitation, murder, and rape.

This news source does indeed report on the hundreds of thousands killed by ....

It is a major Canadian news outlet.
paul_valaru said:

But when did we start playing one up with atrocities?

What does one have to do with the other.

Story at hand is American Troops killing civilians, is this a good thing or a bad thing, discuss.

It's called a war. People get killed. It started after we were attacked.

If American troops went out and maliciously assaulted civilians with no provocation or reasonable suspicion of nefarious doings, then the soldiers are in the wrong. Given the nature of military classification of information, I'll reserve judgment until all the smoke clears. I prefer to leave the conclusion jumping to others. No shortage of willing jumpers either.