I have not even really stated my beliefs, but it seems clear to me you are trying to convince yourself of something and hell bent on a mission of being right, without ever considering any evidence that disagrees with you or your desired beliefs. People like you are not worth arguing with, in my opinion, and frankly scare the hell out of me.
Your handle is so apropos.
I have considered the "evidence" which disagrees with me. That is why I disagree with it. Well, DUH!
You are the one who marches to the tune of those who want to scare the hell out of you. That's what they do when they want you to relinquish power to them. They need useful idiots.
I am going to give you links to various sites which show that GW is, at best, a tenuous theory; and a theory is all that it is. Whether you go to these sites and do the research yourself will be far more telling about you than me. You say that I am unwilling to consider "any evidence that disagrees with you or your desired beliefs" so let's see how you are at that consideration. If you are, as we all believe, just another Spike you will simply ignore what is presented and go back to the "Uh-huh!", "Nuh-uh!" debating style he has made famous on this board.
So here goes:
The GW proponents (GWP) declared that
the "hockey stick" proved that GW was occurring. That was
thoroughly debunked and is now considered to be a joke. All you have to do is to ignore the Maunder and Sporer minimums and the Paleocene–Eocene Thermal Maximum and the Medieval Warm Period. You also have to believe that the polar bears did not survive the last warm periods and simply popped back into existence since the last warming period.
More on that.
Over 32,000 scientists, PhDs and achedemics have signed a petirion that GW is a hoax.
A court of law found 11 glaring inaccuracies in Al Gore's movie
"An Inconvenient Truth".
In the meantime, Gore and his ilk are getting rich off of schlubs like you.
Real weather trends belie the GW fraud.
The same people who declared that we were entering an ice age in the seventies are now declaring GW as fact.
Global warming and cooling have been declared on numerous occasions since the 1800s.
Noted scientists now believe that there actually is a greater possibility of cooling which would be far more devastating than warming.
The IPCC cooked the books on the number of scientists who believe in GW.
The International Journal of Climatology of the Royal Meteorological Society [DOI: 10.1002/joc.1651] (December 2007) says climate warming is natural, not human caused.
The evidence of the climate models being inaccurate grows daily.
The list of notable scientific skeptics is growing.
And you cannot see that this is simply a way for the rich countries to be milked into third world status by socialistic entities like the U.N.
"U.N. climate change meeting aims at rich countries" - Reuters
Global carbon tax
And then there are the other lies.
the hottest year on record was 1998 until it was debunked and it was found that
1934 was the hottest year on record.
CO2 precedes warming -- LIE. CO2 LAGS warming by as much as 800 years.
James Hansen was just caught lying about October being the hottest on record.
And then there's that pesky extraterrestrial global warming.
Sometimes this fraud gets just plain comical.
Professor Bob Carter gives a good presentation on why GW is not what you have been led to believe.
Here is the video set.
YouTube Video:
Climate Change - Is CO2 the cause? - Pt 1;
Climate change - Is CO2 the cause? - Pt 2;
Climate Change - Is CO2 the cause? - Pt 3;
Climate Change - Is CO2 the cause? - Pt 4.
A lot can be assumed or guessed at about my beliefs, but yet I've still not actually said anything definite, but you seem to me to be the kind of guy who thinks way too highly of himself and his beliefs, and will not for a second open his mind. Seems to me there are a lot of Arab types blowing things up, along with themselves, who you have a lot in common with, if not actually sharing the same beliefs.
Well, there is no guessing involved when it comes to my beliefs; and I have stated in the most definite terms exactly what they are. Good to know that you believe that anyone who adheres to what they believe in, and are not wishy-washy about those beliefs, are the same as terrorists and murderers.
You just keep blowing in whatever direction the wind carries you; but what you believe in will kill far more people worldwide than any terrorist or terrorist group.