Using Oz's thread to help find 3 wise men and a virgin!!! :lol2:

BeardofPants said:
[solemn voice] I come bearing the gifts of pants perfumed with Frankincense & myrrh, and gold lamé pants.[/solemn voice] :p

What?!? No MC-Hammer pants?!? *handonhip
Oz said:
[mc hammer]Can't touch this........[/mc hammer]

Good gods! Someone call an exorcist! Evil eigties generic pop music daemons have taken control of Oz!!!

We must save him! Everyone, ready your crucifixes, holy water and Metallica CD's!
I'd nominate myself as a wise ass... or just a wise guy, but Guido would break my legs. Besides, my schedule's packed. First I gotta un-wedgie myself, then start looking for some pants.

P.S. I'm working on the next five BoP vs. PCB strips over the next couple days. Won't be much talkative or online 'til I'm done.
Camelyn said:
Good gods! Someone call an exorcist! Evil eigties generic pop music daemons have taken control of Oz!!!

We must save him! Everyone, ready your crucifixes, holy water and Metallica CD's!

[dying breath]Ach, *choke* *gasp* not Metallica.....this is an emergency...use Napalm Death and Megadeath *choke* [/dying breath]
Oz said:
[dying breath]Ach, *choke* *gasp* not Metallica.....this is an emergency...use Napalm Death and Megadeath *choke* [/dying breath]
*blares symphony of destruction for oz
Camelyn said:
Good gods! Someone call an exorcist! Evil eigties generic pop music daemons have taken control of Oz!!!

We must save him! Everyone, ready your crucifixes, holy water and Metallica CD's!

Ozzy and Megadeth are better. and it better be their old stuff. their new stuff sucks.
Oz said:
[dying breath]Ach, *choke* *gasp* not Metallica.....this is an emergency...use Napalm Death and Megadeath *choke* [/dying breath]

Ozzie, pull it together man! *backslaps him across the face, and yanks off his pants* ... er....
BeardofPants said:
Ozzie, pull it together man! *backslaps him across the face, and yanks off his pants* ... er....

*opens one eye*

*looks down at missing pants*

If this is yer idea of the kiss of life........I might make a full recovery

*closes eye*

erm.......cough......wheeze......splutter......etc :devious: