Vacation gifts


Well-Known Member
My brother-in-law just came back from his Honeymoon and brought gifties.
Odd that he'd even think of us considering he's on a honeymoon but...

I'm glad that he did :D


What's the best or oddest gift that you've ever gotten from someone else's trip // or gift that you bought for someone else while you were on vacation??
My folks went on an autommobile trip out west a few years back. Alamo, Grand Canyon, Vegas, Pacific Ocean, Yellerstone, Badlands...the whole nine yards. Knowing their son as well as they do, they brought me two t-shirts back. One from the Roadkill Cafe, one from Death Valley.

I once gave (or threatened to give, I don't recall now...) the father-in-law an authentic East Tennessee Weather Stone. It's a river slick with permanent marker writing that says stuff like If rock is wet it is raining, if rock is missing it's a tornado, if rock is white it's snowing.
SouthernN'Proud said:
I once gave (or threatened to give, I don't recall now...) the father-in-law an authentic East Tennessee Weather Stone. It's a river slick with permanent marker writing that says stuff like If rock is wet it is raining, if rock is missing it's a tornado, if rock is white it's snowing.

We've got those up here too. Never thought they could be so universal.
A.B.Normal said:
Take off Hoser,I did {freakin Easterners}

hey eh, MIDDLE canada

and even though the last eh is silent, it should be included.

unless you want to sound like a quebecer
paul_valaru said:
hey eh, MIDDLE canada

and even though the last eh is silent, it should be included.

unless you want to sound like a quebecer

Eh, la la la!
I represent that remark, eh!
Hoser: What you call your little brother when you mom's in the room, eh.

And almost everyone who isn't from there knows it's really Canuckistan, eh.
SouthernN'Proud said:
My folks went on an autommobile trip out west a few years back. Alamo, Grand Canyon, Vegas, Pacific Ocean, Yellerstone, Badlands...the whole nine yards. Knowing their son as well as they do, they brought me two t-shirts back. One from the Roadkill Cafe, one from Death Valley.

I once gave (or threatened to give, I don't recall now...) the father-in-law an authentic East Tennessee Weather Stone. It's a river slick with permanent marker writing that says stuff like If rock is wet it is raining, if rock is missing it's a tornado, if rock is white it's snowing.

Down here they just through the Weather Darts.