fun day. Watched the loooongest freaking nascar race ever (Daytona 500 was like 6+ hours this year). Ordered domino's pizza for dinner, because watching the race was more fun than going out somewhere, and Hoboken jacks up the prices on V-day.
then just hung out for awhile. Girlfriend went to bed, so I decided to play some TF2 in the room while totally cockblocking my new roommate. We have a 11x14 room, and his girlfriend shows up Friday morning and doesn't leave until Monday night. Every weekend. B.S.
And, he plays baseball, so he goes to practice for like 6 hours at a time and she just hangs out in my room.
Getting really pissed off about it. First time he did it, I kinda rolled over and tried to hang out in my girlfriend's room or the cafeteria instead.
This time, though, fuck it. It's not courteous at all of him. I don't mind guests, but for three days? and she doesn't leave the room when she's here.
that's part of the reason I'm up at 3:30. my mechanical bucking spring keyboard is loud as fuck. Not gonna try talking to him about it in front of her, so I'm just going to try to passively bother her until she leaves (only another 18 hours or so, woohoo) and then confront him. To that end, I've spent as much time in my room as possible and made as much noise as possible, and stayed up until 4am-5am every night blasting fools in TF2. During the day, I've put on NASCAR and kept the volume slightly higher than I normally would.
Then we'll see how he takes it. The policy from the school is that overnight guests are ok only if both roommates are ok with it. I'm not ok with it. If she wants to make a day trip up (she lives like a half hour away) to visit, fine. If she wants to stay over occasionally, I'd probably be ok with it. But to stay over for the entire weekend, every weekend - no fucking way.
But I gotta walk a narrow line - he's a nice guy, and he's a pretty good roommate, but having his girlfriend invade on the weekends is just too much. I have my girlfriend hang out in the room too, but the difference is that if I leave, she leaves too, and she doesn't spend the night. The sheer volume of time that I'm stuck in this cramped room with this person I don't even know is just getting to me. So I don't want to create a hostile situation, but I want this bitch to GTFO.