vBulletin PDA viewer

I don't understand why that'd be helpful except to the computerless.

But then again I don't get the purpose or usefulness of a lot of "technology" nowadays. :confuse3:
I can browse in my pda just fine, everything looks with graphics, fonts, animations, etc.
i use my ipaq all the time, i can post and all from it. in the regular look as if im on a pc.
My PDA doesn't have web-access...Palm Vx

I get my news from a daily 'update' through a newsbot. I have to cradle my PDA though. I was looking for one that'll read the archives, look for updated threads and..well..update them on my PDA. Through the cradle is fine. :)
Leslie said:
I don't understand why that'd be helpful except to the computerless.

But then again I don't get the purpose or usefulness of a lot of "technology" nowadays. :confuse3:
I spend a lot of time away from the internet...especially when not at work. If in a doctors office etc...being able to read a bit of OTC witticisms would be nice.

The rest of the PDA: well, the calendar is a life saver. I'm always forgetting about upcoming events like...anniversaries f'r instance. This thing on my hip that beeps at me and reminds me...great! :)
Phone numbers!
Billing for my freelance work!
Chess on the go!

It's a toy...with great accessories :D
Same as I've got. And forget it. You've nowhere near the ram needed to make it work. Remind me one day to send you the really cool planetarium program I've got.