vegetarian recipes

Leslie said:
Lasagne "Surprise" (I guess the surprise is there's no meat)
(this is a "remembering off the top of my head one)

Serves four nicely. (There's not enough for seconds for the boys and I, but they eat a LOT.)

Holycow Les!! Your boys must eat ALOT! That's a whole lotta lasagna!!
I just put it in the oven!! I can't wait!!

Plus, the good part about me doing the cooking is that my husband has to do the dishes :headbang:
no, it's an italian thing, and yes they eat a lot, it is scary, I keep making big dishes saying there will be leftovers, and she laughs at me.
how about a simple eggplant parmisan?

Tofu stir fry (secret is buy firm tofu, and press it, put it between 2 plates and put a heavy can on the top plate, it will suck up any flavour you want)

vegitable thai curries (I am sure you can find coconut milk there)
paul_valaru said:
(I am sure you can find coconut milk there)

I even know how to make my own ... if and when I'm not lazy and start husking those nuts ;)

They MUST eat a lot because that pan fed 4 adults and my 2 kids (granted the kids don't eat much) ... but we still had 3 good size pieces left over.

I'm ready to try more :D
The eggplant bake is teh yummy! Just ask Les. ;)

I posted this on PiL the other day :

Leek & Tomato soup with finely chopped day-old sour dough.

Sweat onion & baby leek in a LARGE pan for 10 minutes.
Add 2 cans mulched romano tomatoes, chilli to taste, and salt/pepper.
Simmer for 1/2 hour.
Add finely chopped bread to the tomato & leek mixture, and simmer for 5 minutes.
Add 750 ml of vegetable broth (preferably home-made), simmer for 10 minutes.
Serve immediately.

It's great cos it's quick 'n easy.
Oh, they so loved it!! Thanks so very much!!

And that recipe is soooo easy ... easier than my lasagna recipe I used to make with hamburger!!!
Corn casserole
In a 13 X 9 pan melted 1 cup of margarine. Stir in 1 can of creamed corn, 1 can of kernel corn drained, 1 package of corn muffin mix (jiffy is best), 1 cup of sour cream, 2 tsp sugar, add salt, pepper, and cajun seasoning to taste. Bake for about 40 minutes or until set and the edges are lightly brown. Let sit for 5-10 minutes.
I serve this underneath collard greens or other green veggies but it is good by itself.
Greens? Okay, this is a bit haphazard so bear with me.
Get a big old bundle of collard/turnip/mustard greens and wash them. While washing tear them into smaller pieces, roughly 2 inches square is nice. make sure to rip off the harder bits of stem.
Meanwhile, saute one chopped onion, 2 cloves of chopped garlic, and if you aren't so concerned with the vegetarian aspect 1/4 lb of chopped raw bacon. Add salt, pepper, cajun seasoning to taste, and 1 tablespoon of savory if you have it, oregano if you don't.
When that's all soft (bacon pink and just this side of crispy) and smelling awesome, add the greens. Add a hint more salt. Pour in 16 oz of chicken broth or water. Bring to a boil. Cover, reduce heat, and simmer for about an hour.
Add a few healthy jiggers of vinegar- white is traditional but with Rob's allergies we use white wine vinegar. Let simmer for about a half an hour. Voila!
Les? If you liked that other eggplant recipe that I posted up, you'll LOVE this one! Made it the other day - and it was fucking fantastic. ::drool::

For the sauce
1 onion
1 garlic clove
0.5 tsp dried oregano
2 tbsp Olive oil, plus more for painting the aubergines
3 tins chopped tomatoes, 400g each
2 tsp Sugar
1 pinch salt and pepper, to taste
2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
4 aubergine

For the stuffing
100g bulgar wheat
1 tsp dried oregano
350ml water, boiling
50g pistachio nuts, roughly chopped
200g Feta cheese, crumbled
1 garlic clove, minced
1 large spring onion, or 2 thin, finely sliced
2 tbsp capers, (drained of vinegar)
1 egg
1 pinch Cinnamon

For the topping
75g Feta cheese, crumbled
1 dash of Olive oil
1 pinch dried oregano


1. Peel and roughly chop the onion and press on the garlic to loosen the skin. Remove it and then sling, onion, garlic and dried oregano to a food processor and blitz to a pulp.

2. Cook in a deep, generous-sized pan (with a lid) in the 2 tablespoons of olive oil, over medium to low heat, until softened – about 7 minutes.

3. Add the tomatoes and the sugar, stir well, cover and turn down the heat, and let cook for about 20 minutes, checking often to see that the sauce is not bubbling too vociferously (and therefore sticking or drying out, or indeed both).

4. Taste for seasoning and add salt and pepper, or maybe a pinch more sugar if you feel it needs it, then stir again, adding the extra virgin olive oil, and take off the heat, but keep the cover on. Leave till you need it.

5. Cut the aubergines in thinnish slices lengthwise and chuck away the two skin covered edges: you need to be able to roll the aubergine lengths up later and so you need the full extent. It may sound wasteful, but I’m happy if I get 4 – 5 good slices per aubergine.

6. Put some oil into a bowl and using a pastry brush, paint each slice generously with the oil. Then cook them on a hot griddle until bronzed, striped without and tender within. Or you can dispense with all the painting procedure and just fry the aubergine slices in a pan filled to about half a centimetre’s depth of olive oil. In either case, remove the cooked slices to sheets of kitchen towel to absorb excess oil.

7. When cool, you can either begin the stuffing and rolling, or set them aside until you want to. If I’m doing this in advance, I line a dish with baking parchment, arrange a layer of aubergine slices on top, then cover with baking parchment, then another layer of aubergines and so on, until I’ve packed them all away.

8. I tend to stuff the aubergines shortly before cooking them, measure the bulgar wheat into a bowl, add the dried oregano , pour over the water and cover with a plate, leave the bulgar wheat to steep for 30 minutes.

9. Meanwhile preheat the oven to 190°C/gas 5. Get out an ovenproof dish into which the involtini will fit snugly (I use a le Creuset one measuring 30cm by 21cm) and oil it lightly.

10. When the bulgar wheat has had it’s time, pour it into a large sieve and press down to remove excess water. Leave for a few minutes till it’s cooled a little and then decant to a large bowl.

11. Add about two thirds of the chopped pistachios (you just need to leave some for sprinkling on when serving), the crumbled feta, minced garlic, spring onions and capers. Stir to mix, but don’t be too heavy handed about it: a few goes with a fork should be enough to combine everything.

12. Beat the egg with the cinnamon and fork this in, too. I find it easier after that’s done, just to weigh in with my hands, squeezing everything together so you’ve got a cohesive knobbly stuffing in front of you.

13. Get out the aubergines and, one by one, place them in front of you, stalk end at the top, bulbous bottom nearest you. Add a dollop of stuffing at the bottom and roll up lengthwise away from you and put each fat little bundle in the oiled dish as you go.

14. When they’re all sitting there snuggly, pour over the tomato sauce, scatter over the crumbled feta, drizzle with oil and then sprinkle over a little dried oregano and cook for 30 minutes.

15. Remove from the oven and let stand at least 15 minutes before serving: this shouldn’t be piping hot. Scatter with remaining pistachios before bringing it to the table.

Cooks note: I often make a southern Italian dish of involtini – aubergines, sliced thinly, griddled, cooled and then wrapped around a mixture of basil, pine nuts, breadcrumbs, garlic, provolone and parmesan, bound with egg, then baked in tomato sauce dotted with mozzarella. It’s fiddly, but not difficult and perfect for those times when you have the desire for a bit of slow pottering about in the kitchen. It also happens to be an incredibly useful standby for vile meat eaters like me who want to have something for a vegetarian at a dinner party or whatever.

I’ve still called this involtini, although in truth there is nothing Italian about its component parts. The flavours are more Greek in nature: sharp feta, which perfectly offsets the soft sweetness of the aubergines; and oregano , which is, dried and aromatic, the herb of the islands. It also occurred to me that using a dried herb made this a useful, year-round regular. In fact, it was my vegetarian option at my Christmas lunch last year.

I tend to do this in stages: the tomato sauce and griddle aubergines one day; the stuffing, wrapping and baking the next. And I love it at room temperature the next day, too.
tonksy said:
Corn casserole
In a 13 X 9 pan melted 1 cup of margarine. Stir in 1 can of creamed corn, 1 can of kernel corn drained, 1 package of corn muffin mix (jiffy is best), 1 cup of sour cream, 2 tsp sugar, add salt, pepper, and cajun seasoning to taste. Bake for about 40 minutes or until set and the edges are lightly brown. Let sit for 5-10 minutes.
I serve this underneath collard greens or other green veggies but it is good by itself.
I just want to fix my typo as it could royally screw up the recipe. it's 1/4 a cup of butter.
Then why did you put margarine in the first copy? Admit it ... you were deliberately trying to make them screw up the recipe, so that they couldn't be competition to you. Admit it. You wanted to see them fail. You wanted to laugh at them. Admit it. ADMIT IT!!!
I have no idea why I put margarine in the first...unless it's because the recipe actually calls for margarine but I substitute butter because I don't buy margarine.
I was at a restaurant in Arizona where they said "Hey, we have rattlesnake, you should try it."

I was like "Well isn't it poisonus and bad tasting?"

The waiter was like "No, it tastes just like chicken."

I looked at the menu for a second and said "I'll just have chicken then."