Vengeance is mine sayeth the Bish


Well-Known Member
Vengeance is a dish best served cold. I'm planning on dishin' out some serious nasty to some cocksuckin' asshole!

Schmuck hit and tried to strangle my best friend (female), on the same night where she caught him necking with some other woman. She had tried to stop him or get his attention (he was drunk), and pulled a wee bit hard on his collar to do so. He turned, got off the chick and treid to strangle her (my buddy).

The schmuck must pay!!

I can't beat up on him right's too obvious and I don't mean to spend the next year or so away from my son and in jail instead.

I've been letting this stew for a few days...(happened Friday night, I found out about it Saturday, got her to my place with her daughters to help her think it through and calm down)...and I'm looking for the nastiest fucking bits of advice that you can muster.

Prof knows me enough to tell you that shit will happen if I see him in person, but I need something to tide me over. I was thinking of fucking up his car, to start off with. Maybe laying slices of bread all over it at 5am, and letting the birds do the rest.

That's a start...I need a middle and an end.
get her out of that relationship NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!! this isnt for vengance bish this is for her own safety. but i can relate one of my best friends named Bethe was choked by a guy. i hate that guy. she has told me to leave it alone but still it bothers me and this happened when i was in HS. get her out of it now. obviously the guy has some anger issues. and also make sure she can take him to court for restraining orders. and if possible money.
Also car related take a piss or put sugar in the fuel tank. Slash each and every tyre and crack the front and rear windscreens. This can be done by placing the claw of a claw hammer or just the 'hammer' end against the glass and pushing down. This will forces him to replace each of the damaged items costing him...well....shitloads. Also amateur baseball bat panel beating is highly recommended. THE ASSHOLE MUST PAAAAAAAAAAAY!
I suggest AGAINST the car damage as that can get you charged. I don't see how the bread could get you in trouble though, I say do that!

Also, if you wanna beat the shit out of him. Make sure you are at the bar the same time as him or something and somehow get him to throw the first punch without putting yourself inthe position where you can be blamed for being th einstigator (hard to do but will be worth it)
I think it's all about getting revenge without implicating yourself or danger of him retaliating. I have considered things like that but have been too concerned with the "eye for an eye" attitude and getting it right back.

But if you must, coca cola and tomatoes do really well with stripping paint off a car. You could paint it on in creative shapes... words, even.

I knew a guy who put a nail in my tire because he didn't like me parking in front of his house. A few months later (after I stopped working in the area and parking in front of his house), I paid someone to defile his pride and joy; his lawn. Somehow, they put something on the lawn to spell out some choice words--facing the house, so he would see it every time he looked out his window. Which he did constantly. He spent a bit of money resodding it but it just so happened the landscapers also worked for my employer and waited a few days to come and resod it at her request. :D
First of all.........get rid of that goddamn nuke smilie. That fucker takes up the whole goddamn screen.

ahem....ok....back to the issue at hand....

Why the hell didn't she call the police and have him charged with assault? Has she left him? For good? It most likely woulda been a felony assault and he would never be able to own a gun, vote or run for public office....ever. Probably woulda cost him a couple grand and six months probation and regular drug tests at least.

Several years ago I read a story about a guy who wanted to get revenge on someone. He found out this guy and another guy didn't like each other and slowly started doing little things to make it look like the other guy did it. Ended up with the two guys meeting somewhere and beating the crap outta each other. I wish I could find it, it was funny as hell.
They split a while ago...he had been trying to get back into her good terms. 1/2 hour prior to the incident, he'd even begged her to come back, said she was the best thing in his life.etc...

They don't live together...that's a good thing...but he does live a short distance away.
I was worried about that, which is why I went to get her and her daughters (my goddaughters), from the apt and to my place. I still worry, and call every day...but so far, the only contact was some e-mail saying that he was sorry and wouldn't do t again. etc... all bullshit...once violent, always violent!

The whole alcohol excuse doesn't cut it with me either...booze is a mental lubricant, it doesn't put anything there which wasn't already there.

I've talked to her about the charge...she's considering it. She's got witnesses to it...but she's still hesitant...I can imagine the kind of fear that this kind of thing would's giving her a mighty big pause.

Regarding assualt...I think that I can get him to swing at me first...there is no end to the insults that I can throw at him...once he swings...he's fucked! I've got 40lbs and 3" on him...but I am going to bide my time. I can't just accidentaly bump into him...we don't work the same circles.

There's an itch folx...there's an itch. I'm going to scratch it slowly...maybe even get digipics. :)

BTW...she'll never know. she wouldn't forgive me...she'd love me for it, but never forgive me.

Thanks for the ideas. :elaugh2:
If you worry for her and her children's safety, once it's reported, can she get a restraining order type thing goin? Not that that is the be-all end-all solution but it would help if he did threaten her or harrass her in the future.
greenfreak said:
But if you must, coca cola and tomatoes do really well with stripping paint off a car. You could paint it on in creative shapes... words, even.

Don't forget the good old brake fluid :D
Just give me his address, Bish. He'll find out just how bad "asshole John" can be. And after all, we were together all night drinking, weren't we?
Luis G said:
Don't forget the good old brake fluid :D
:lol: ... that's what I was about to suggest... also a potato rammed tightly up the exhaust(use a broom handle) can have interesting effects(might blow the head) and super glue(crazy glue?) in the car locks is fun too, especially if it's the fuel tank cap... run out of gas and can't open the cap = very pissed off driver... Punctures... lean a couple of six inch nails at about 45 degrees against the tyres so he gets a flat as he drives off... best is all four as you usually only carry one spare... :D

Another one you might like to try is to print up flyers offering "Gay Services" with the guys picture and phone number on it and leave them by public phones around his home and work area. Just make sure you leave no evidence to suggest it was you who did it. :rofl4:

Other thiings you can do... pizza deliveries, taxies, etc and other cash on delivery items from public call boxes. :D
Aunty Em said:
Another one you might like to try is to print up flyers offering "Gay Services" with the guys picture and phone number on it and leave them by public phones around his home and work area. Just make sure you leave no evidence to suggest it was you who did it. :rofl4:

Ohh ohh, do it in the newspaper :D :D