very very very disturbed people

Justintime said:
Hypnotic suggestion not to have em? i'd bet they're sick enough to try that :S

And guess where they found the link:

Name: Urgent Question
E-mail address: [email protected]
Homepage URL:
Comments: Hi,

After a trip of several months I am back home. My favorite site (where I found the link to this site) now appears to be protected somehow. It's name is "Kids in Bondage". No idea how to get back in again.
Can anyone help?

the URL:

kind wishes,

Tuesday, September 25th 2001 - 02:55:49 AM

Yup - like I said - it's their little bdsm fantasies :/
Only one way I have fround to correct the problems of boys from 8-18 touching themselfs.
1 take off bedroom door
2 make a rule the bathroom door is to be left open
3 tie them both hands and feet to the bed with the boy laying on the back.
4 start giving twice a day preventive spankings down there
start with :
side of ruler 25 tops of penis, 25 on the head ,25 under it.
10 to 15 each nut flat part optional
Spankings on the buns never hurt either epxeccally if you caught him in the past week.
Do the treatments both morning and night and increase the strokes if you catch him toughing himself not likly to happen though.
If you catch a hard on you might need to give an extra dose though. This has really worked with my boys

WTF..... :eek:
MitchSchaft said:
Also, if God didn't want people to murder, he wouldn't have given us hands and arms :lol2:.

That would be called "free will"...something we have that no other animal has....
So THAT is how people grow up to be S&M freaks. No offence freako, I know you like the light stuff, but I'm betting a good portion of these people grow up to like the real heavy shit.
PuterTutor said:
So THAT is how people grow up to be S&M freaks. No offence freako, I know you like the light stuff, but I'm betting a good portion of these people grow up to like the real heavy shit.

none taken. it goes well beyond s/m here tho puter.they might or they might just be scarred for life but not as into it. they will however more than likely grow up to hate their parents or abuse their kids. and also s/m is sexual driven and this is punishment taken too far.
I concur, these parents that are helping their children to masturbate and them punishing them for it are indeed disturbed individuals. But I'm also guessing they are gaining some kind of sick pleasure from it.
I don't think the children would necessarily grow into bondage fans (though, yes, there is a chance for that), but a lot of the things described by the parents are definite bondage positions and scenarios. The whole 'master' 'slave' 'punishment' deal as well as some of the positions described - like the way they get tied up, or the way they get hit, how many times & where + the instruments used for the floggings etc seems to me to indicate that it might be a site dedicated to fetishism & those are 'fantasy' entries. Why else would they be linked to a kiddy-bondage site?

Freako - re S/M being sexually driven - very true of course. But keep in mind that there is always a dominant / submissive balance - in this case the parent figures would obviously be the masters (dominators) and thus they would write it from a position of power & total control over the other party. Had the child (submissive party) written the entries the angle would have been different - that's part of the sexual arousal from BDSM.

I seriously hope those are just hoax entries from some fantasy site - I hate to think that there actually kids out there suffering such indignities.
AlphaTroll said:
I don't think the children would necessarily grow into bondage fans (though, yes, there is a chance for that), but a lot of the things described by the parents are definite bondage positions and scenarios. The whole 'master' 'slave' 'punishment' deal as well as some of the positions described - like the way they get tied up, or the way they get hit, how many times & where + the instruments used for the floggings etc seems to me to indicate that it might be a site dedicated to fetishism & those are 'fantasy' entries. Why else would they be linked to a kiddy-bondage site?

Freako - re S/M being sexually driven - very true of course. But keep in mind that there is always a dominant / submissive balance - in this case the parent figures would obviously be the masters (dominators) and thus they would write it from a position of power & total control over the other party. Had the child (submissive party) written the entries the angle would have been different - that's part of the sexual arousal from BDSM.

I seriously hope those are just hoax entries from some fantasy site - I hate to think that there actually kids out there suffering such indignities.

yes but s/m has limits. and it is always between people who are consenting
This thread makes me sick.......

* faps and cums on the face of those assholes :D

freako104 said:
yes but s/m has limits. and it is always between people who are consenting

Of course there are limits (hence the safe words), but my post was from the premise that those posts are mere fantasies and as you'd probably know the role of the submissive would require that the person appear to be doing things against their will, or having things done to them that are degrading or humiliating.

That's why 'rape' or 'kidnapping' scenarios are so popular with bondage fanatics - one person is totally in control and has all the power while the other is weak and is being used in any way deemed fit.
I checked on Google to see if that Kids in Bondage site is for real......

Among the many sites that came up was one that featured this little description

Spectacular Bondage For Wayward Women of All Sexes. Bound to Please and
other Bondage Stories. 7/9/2003, Pay Toilet? Save Yourself the Quarter. ...

So can someone please tell me - exactly how many sexes do women come in?
CydCharisse said:
That would be called "free will"...something we have that no other animal has....

That's what I'm saying. God gave us hands, but he didn't mean for us to kill people with 'em. They're trying to say that God made sexual activity feel good, but it doesn't mean you act it out in certain ways.

Not that I agree with them of course!