

Major contributor!
If your a Vet, post here when and where you served.

86-87: Friedburg, Germany
88-90: Ft. Riley, Kansas
90-91: Kuwait

G.I. Jane
03-Present: Oregon National Guard
let's see...
sept93-dec93 - orlando for bootcamp
dec93-jan 97 - nas pensacola florida with VT-10 (aviator training squadron)
jan 97-dec98 - USS INCHON MCS-12...big grey bucket of bolts...i miss her...
March 1989-September 1990.......... McChord AFB
September 1990-October 1993....... Howard AFB, Panama
October 1993-October 1994.......... Osan AB, Republic of Korea
October 1994-Present................. Charleston AFB, SC*

* While at Charleston, I've been to Spain twice, Saudi Arabia twice, Bosnia once, California, Mississippi, Georgia, New Jersey, Germany,
and a few places that are still classified due to the nature of the mission (nothing dangerous, though).
US Army 1982 - Ft Jackson, SC (medical discharge)

not a true vet but I tried.

(Does this help my pathetic case?)

My dad 1938-1963 Ret US Army Cmd Sargeant Major
Multiple US posts
My grandfather was a prisoner of war by the germans and forced to work on the concentration camps. lots of awful stories, and my grandma served as well and escaped.
Gato_Solo said:
and a few places that are still classified due to the nature of the mission (nothing dangerous, though).

that's the times you were spying in Canada, eh? :alienhuh:

I never served (tried to join the Marine Corps in 1980, disqualified by medical) but my father was a Navy fighter pilot in WW2, on the carrier USS Tarawa in the Mediterranean Sea and the Pacific. He flew the F4U Corsair, the F6F Hellcat, and the F4F Wildcat. He retired with the rank of Lt. Commander.

My oldest brother was a Marine who served in Viet Nam. He was wounded on his third tour of duty when a boobytrap exploded nearby. The blast shredded his right side from head to toe, leaving him deaf in one ear and missing most of his right foot. He was in the hospital for a year recovering, and retired with the rank of captain. Mike went on to earn a masters degree and a Juris Doctor degree from Emory Law School in Atlanta, and is now a successful golf resort developer in Atlanta and Hilton Head, South Carolina.

Here's to all veterans - thank you for serving to protect our country! :toast:
Uki Chick said:
My grandfather was a prisoner of war by the germans and forced to work on the concentration camps. lots of awful stories, and my grandma served as well and escaped.

My grandfather was a WWII POW in a nazi camp too, survived the 4 years he spent there by eating potato grandmother used to joke that he came back from the war fatter than when he went in! God knows how he survived mentally, I can only imagine the things he must have seen.

Dad was a cop in the old regime, so when the government got their knickers in a bunch over some black guy somewhere the armed forces (police force counted under them) had to go and show 'em pesky black folks who's boss (severe sarcasm there - don't all rush to take offence). So besides serving in places like Zambia, Zimbabwe (then Rhodesia - before 'Banana' became the first black ruler & changed the name to Zimbabwe), Angola, Namibia (then South West Africa, until it was liberated by SWAPO - South West African People's Organisation) he also did a lot of active duty in the local townships (Soweto, Alexandra, Khyalitsha, etc) during the unrest of the 80's. It was the most bizarre time....don't really remember much of dad from my early childhood, because it often happened that he would take us to school in the morning, but was gone on some 'mission' by the time we got back in the afternoon - often for months on end when he had to do border duty or go off to some other country, and the only communication was those damned stupid censored letters mom used to read to us.

Ironically it was not in some foreign country that he almost met his maker, but right here at home, during one of the township uprisings when the vehicle he was travelling in got petrol bombed.

Personally I've never had a desire to join any armed forces, but I salute those people who have joined & given their lives.
paul_valaru said:
trying to figure out why Tim Hortons is better than Krispy Kreme's
in pensacola they had a krispy kreme at a relatively busy intersection...they still had the hot donuts now lights that would come on when they had hot donuts...we saw alot of accidents...tell me your horton hears a who is as good.
Tim Horton's Donuts??? Nah, Krispy Kreme glazed rulkes donuts but Tim Horton's Coffee rules all!
Ok, Grandfather was Rainbow Division in WW2, fought in France and Germany. Oldest brother was Navy for four years, didn't fight anywhere. Older brother was 82nd Airborne for 6 years, fought in the first Gulf war and Panama.
i dont know years off hand tho it was about 69-70 cause it was when my sister was born adn my father was in Korea at the time. i dont know of location either as he doenst talk about it. My grandfather on his side was in the army during WWII but i dont know where he was stationed and i cant ask him. my mothers side except for my uncle Mike(viv my mothers sister hubby) was in the Navy.
I'm not a veteran, mostley cause the army doesn't accept teenagers, or at least my age teenagers. I'm thinking about joining up, and I'd be willing to kill anything that threatens the U.S. of A.

Also I'd just like to say thank you to all of you who have served.