Luis G said:
This comment might not be quite welcomed, but i think they deserve the compensation.
Here's why: how many millions or billions of budget does the military has?, it seems that all those millions aren't paying for good protection after all. How come 2 airplanes went totally out of course without being noticed by all the military intelligence and radars?
They deserve the compensation for practically wasting their taxes money.
Hate to burst your bubble,
Luis G, but the FAA runs the radar inside the US,
not the military. In fact, there are very few air corridores that the military has exclusive rights to. The reason the military response to 9/11 was lacking is because of the following inactions
1. FAA didn't follow the rulebook about what to do if a plane leaves it's flightplan, and won't answer the radio.
2. The Air Force response time for an incident such as this is 15 minutes on average. Even if we knew what was going on, by the time a US fighter got to the scene, the first aircraft would've already crashed.
As usual, there's always somebody who wants to blame the military for anything bad that happens. You are out of line on this one,
Luis, and I hope you understand everything I wrote.
edited part
As for the military compensation, here's what you get.
1. $6,000 USD for death/burial benefits
2. Any back-pay owed, to include any unused leave.
3. $2000 USD per family member for survivor benefits
4. Life insurance up to $500,000 USD...provided you opt for the higher amounts to the tune of around $40 USD per month. I have the lower amount of $250,000 USD, and I pay around $20 USD per month.