Video of Doobie Talking

damn bird has a better singing voice than i do

*walks off singing the bird's song*
Funny you'd never think that these guys
(so actually they are a boi and a gurl)
could have such personalities
but they do!
One of the funniest things is that these two are
completely inseparable. They are like the middle aged
married couple they live with, heh

I am amused by the fact that the bird's name is "Doobie"

"I'm a bird, I'm a great bird..."

*skips away*
So I guess when birds misbehave, they're sent to sing sing prison?

Wonderful, now I've got that damn bird's singing stuck in my head.
ya know, everyone who See's the bird says the same thing..
"I can't stop singing that song" or "now that song is stuck in my head" :lol2:
we got do-be-doo about 2 weeks ago from the ladies who breed all our other birds. a friend of hers had gotten very ill and could not keep her birds anymore, she asked our friend if she knew anybody that would give her birds a loving home. the smaller birds she found homes for with no problems. do-be on the other hand is a full grown Yellow headed Amazon (male 10 y\o). not one of the the most people friendly parrots for inexperienced owners.
well... our friend remembered me saying that someday I wanted to get a Amazon because I thought they were great birds. she called us up and had us come over to her house to see do-be, we hit it off and took him home. he now loves that African Grey that is in the cage with him and is even letting me pick him up (which he never did before.)
we have the back bedroom as our "bird room" and there is another cage you didn't see behind me. the Citron cockatoo is in there.