video problems


Well-Known Member
A few weeks ago I hit up the windows update site and it told me there was a new driver for the nvidia Gforce2 ultra in my Dell 8100 running win2k pro. I downloaded it. Shortly after that I noticed that when I would open a program or window, the screen seemed like it was trying to resize in the desktop area would kinda shrink a little then bounce back. Then I started having problems with all my desktop items disappearing. That happened a few times but hass gotten worse recently. Yesterday it happened 10-12 times. It doesn't lockup, just everything disappears (taskbar, icons) except the wallpaper. I have to go to task manager and restart.

Has anyone else run into this?
It seems like you've got a case of the good 'ol explorer.exe hang. Give the computer a good kick, and if that doesn't work, unistall the new drivers and reinstall the old ones from the cd you got with the card.
Come to think of it, I have gotten several application errors on explorer lately.

I downloaded the latest drivers from nvidia. Maybe that'll fix it.
heh, just delete explorer.exe, it can't cause application errors if it doesn't exist.

btw, deleting expoler.exe probably isn't a good idea.