Vista? That was the best they could do?


New Member
Microsoft announced Friday that it will call its next-generation operating system "Windows Vista."

The much-anticipated operating system had formerly been code-named "Longhorn."

Microsoft also unveiled the Windows Vista Web site and said the first beta test version of the system, which will be targeted at developers and IT professionals, will be available by Aug. 3. The system is scheduled to be released late next year.

Jeez. Sounds like they're taking marketing lessons from perfume makers.
I refuze to go around for years callin' an OS Vista.

They'll prolly change the name long before launch.
But I'd love to get my hands on the beta
except it probably won't run on anything less
than the newest bleeding edge hardware.

Who's got the hook up for the Beta due out 08/03?
Winky said:
But I'd love to get my hands on the beta
except it probably won't run on anything less
than the newest bleeding edge hardware.?

don't bank on that. They've been working on it since the PIII.
They should call it "Windows Panes" :D

seriously though it seems like they have gone with something more like
"Universe", or "Nuclear"...."Abyss"....

Shit, I'm 60% Linux now. The penguin's got some cool features.
XP was free for me
And WIN98se
And W2K
And W2003 server
And Microsoft Office 2000
and everything else!

But I'm with you, if I had to pay for Billy G's stuff
I'd certainly be running with the Penguin for sure by now.
Cash Cow
Kids Education
French GDP

Those would be better names, in terms of truth.
Winky said:
XP was free for me
And WIN98se
And W2K
And W2003 server
And Microsoft Office 2000
and everything else!

But I'm with you, if I had to pay for Billy G's stuff
I'd certainly be running with the Penguin for sure by now.

Yeah, actually I should have said I like the "General Public License" softwares. ;)
IMO the development has surpassed MS by quite a bit.
The only thing is the ease of use/(learning curve), but it's getting
better every day. :nerd:
64-bit registers can effectively address up to 16 terabytes of physical memory which,
to paraphrase Bill Gates, ought to be enough for anybody.