

New Member
so i was reading some random thread and in my head everyone has my accent and intonation and that's how you guys sound to me. wouldn't it be fun to hear each other's voices? (though i know some of you know each other personally via our otc bbqs)

okay, that's my random thought of the day.
My old one from that old thread still works, embarrassing but still works, and I still sound like bruce campbell.

wanna see my boomstick?
Unc's voice SHOCKED me when I first chatted with him. He doesn't sound anything like I expected.

When I read Tonk's posts I can hear her voice.

I love Prof's voice. and fury's.

I shall try to record something now.
DRUMROLL PLEASE! I can't do a .wav because the board tells me it's too big :(
As I recall - Gonz's voice is 'radio announcer' material. I can't be bothered to look mine up right now...12 friggin' pages!
I was gonna record my voice .. but since I have pneumonia, I pretty much sound like a dude in drag [Seinfeld voice] not that thereʻs anything wrong with that [/Seinfeld voice]