

molṑn labé
Staff member
Whether you prefer a big government socialist with questionable allies or a curmudgeon who likes to reach across the aisle (how many times has that hand been bitten?) to limit our freedoms, get out & vote.

The choices are not very clear...left or leftist. There are better options but none of them is sexy enough to gather more than a passing glance by 90% of the electorate.

However, what makes this vote so important is the Congressional races. Giving the Senater a filibuster proof majority while the House holds a majority, one party rule is a certainty.

They will limit your voice, more than McCain Feingold, by re-enacting the Fariness Doctrine. Only thins time, it'll reach onto the internet. If the market doesn't bear liberal radio or TV then by God, we'll not have any opposing views (I wonder, will this affect CBS, NBC, ABC, PBS, NPR, the NY Times, LA TImes, Washington Post, TIme, Newsweek or the minkey Daily Obligation)

Care to have a union election that isn't private? Don't like unions & work in a pro-union area? Too bad. You can be harassed into joining or face retribution. Give 'em 60 days, unchecked.

The choices run deep.

McCain is one of the few honest politicians.
Obama, when off message, made himself clear. I beleive him especially with the Congress described above.
Barr is the only real American running but, he has no chance. He also has my vote.

Whichever side you land your duty & vote. If it's an informed choice, it's not the wrong choice.
However, what makes this vote so important is the Congressional races. Giving the Senater a filibuster proof majority while the House holds a majority, one party rule is a certainty.

I'd just like to add one thing. If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem. If you don't like what the Gov't is .... change it. Become part of the process ... be it on the school PTA, the local council, sherrif, mayor, etc. If he can do it, so could you, 'cept he wants it and you don't. Well, if you're willing to leave the control in his hands, you're willing to accept what he does. Sitting back on your collective asses is what got you this situation in the first place.

The only one who you can trust to make the changes you want, for the reasons you want, is you. After all, the guy who talks about change ... leaves the door open to changing his mind too.
Whichever side you land your duty & vote. If it's an informed choice, it's not the wrong choice.
If you can get past the hype, the one-liners and spin-doctoring to the informed're a better man than most.

GL with the results.
got my duty done
I can't do things I used to, so I gotta do what I can, and I can do this.:hairbang:

this is the first time I've had to stand in line ....ever really.