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Witches Against Hallowe'en?

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A letter sent home to parents Wednesday states there will be no observance of Halloween in the entire school district.

"We really want to make sure we're using all of our time in the best interest of our students," explained Puyallup School District spokesperson Karen Hansen.

Hansen says the superintendent made the decision for three primary reasons. First, Halloween parties and parades waste valuable classroom time. In addition some families can't afford costumes.

It's the third reason some Puyallup parents are struggling with.

The district says Halloween celebrations and children dressed in Halloween costumes might be offensive to real witches.

"Witches with pointy noses and things like that are not respective symbols of the Wiccan religion and so we want to be respectful of that," said Hansen.

The Wiccan, or Pagan, religion is growing in the U.S. and there are Wiccan groups in Puyallup.

Number eight on the district's guidelines related to holidays and celebrations reads as follows: "Use of derogatory stereotypes is prohibited, such as the traditional image of a witch, which is offensive to members of the Wiccan religion."

"I do lots of things that are not revolving around wearing a black outfit and stirring a cauldron," said Wiccan Priestess Cheryl Sulyma-Masson in an interview with ABC News where she explained that Wiccans (or Pagan Clergy) celebrate nature, not Satan.

A Puyallup School District internal email dating from October 2000 warns that "the Wiccan religion is a bona fide religion under the law, and its followers are entitled to all the protections afforded more mainstream religions. Building administrators should not tolerate such inappropriate stereotyping (images such as Witches on flying brooms, stirring cauldrons, casting spells, or with long noses and pointed hats) and instead address them as you would hurtful stereotypes of any other minority."

Say goodbye to anything you ever wanted to celebrate outside of your basement.

Halloween is supposed to be a fun thing. Why not let the kids have some fun? Sure it is not respective of Wiccans and Pagans. In the old days it had religious meaning. Now it is just have a fun night. While I can agree with it being kind of a waste of school time, I think a lot of school was wasted time.(not all but a lot of it was). oh and I admit I consider myself Wiccan and I enjoy this day.
woah, that's kinda.... odd.

let me say on behalf of the Organization of Wiccans Who Don't Have Our Brooms Up Our Asses of America (the OWWDHOBUOAA) that taking away something like that is not at the top of our agenda.
Halloween is being fucked from both sides... a lot of churches are putting pressure on their town's mayors to cancel this 'satanic' ritual. feh!

"We do not support the evil tendencies, the emphasis that Halloween seems to have taken on," Richey said. "We emphasize holy living, and we are trying to offer something that will be fun for the entire family."

Howard Diamond, pastor of New Life Foursquare Church in Mesa, said the backdrop of Halloween for some as a night for "satanic" activity only makes the need to hold an alternative event more important.


One city council member in Baker has been fighting to ban Halloween in the East Baton Rouge Parish community, but on Monday the mayor announced his only intention is to move the holiday so that it is not on a Sunday this year.

Stupidity... one groups trying to ban it because it offends their religion, the other because...er...it offends their religion??!?

Idiots! It a big ol' chance for kids to pile on costumes, get buttloads of candy and get sick from trying to eat it all in one sitting!

Its no more religious than Christmas is anymore :(
Yep. Halloween is about sugar induced stomach ailments, not satanism. A whole hell of a lot of people need to get the fuck over it.
Besides, listen to some of ash's rants tells me that Wicca is not witchcraft, meaning Wiccans are not witches. This is a case of the principal being so sensitive that he's insensitive.
Inkara1 said:
Besides, listen to some of ash's rants tells me that Wicca is not witchcraft, meaning Wiccans are not witches. This is a case of the principal being so sensitive that he's insensitive.

They're witches...just not the type of witch that Xtians feel that they are. They're not devil worshipers...hell, they don't even believe in the devil at all.

Oddly enough...you have to be a Christain first before you can become a devil worshipper. Non-Christians don't believe in the devil and its tough to worship something you don't believe in.:D
These are the greenfaced warty hooknosed fat witches. My impression of not-trendy but actually believer Wiccan is hairy armpit earth mother. I dont' see Hallowe'en at all as being a representation of Wiccan anything, and the fact that their doing this is creating an association that I don't believe is there for the most part.
MrBishop said:
They're witches...just not the type of witch that Xtians feel that they are. They're not devil worshipers...hell, they don't even believe in the devil at all.

Oddly enough...you have to be a Christain first before you can become a devil worshipper. Non-Christians don't believe in the devil and its tough to worship something you don't believe in.:D

Psst...what about Jews and Muslims?
Jews don't believe in Satan or hell, Gato.

Not so sure about Muslims.

Knew I'd read something about it. Muslims do believe in Satan (the rebellious angel, even), however this character does not hold nearly the significance in Islam as it does in Christianity.
They've only allowed superhero/singers/actors around here for a few years. No more ghosts, no blood, no vampires. Guess I've just gotten over the anger but I still think it's stupid as fuck.
PuterTutor said:
They've only allowed superhero/singers/actors around here for a few years. No more ghosts, no blood, no vampires. Guess I've just gotten over the anger but I still think it's stupid as fuck.

Hey, I got an idea. Let's teach our kids to be afraid of shit that doesn't fucking exist!!!!!!