
HomeLAN said:

Bastich. How about Fuddrucker's? You can have my bread.


*it's been ages, and it seems that there are no more restaurants in Mexico*
HomeLAN said:
How's it going ,Kruz? We should try to get together for a lunch sometime. *Tries to think of a way to call it a business lunch and get reimbursed*

*Fails, but is willing to treat*

Two words, dude. Creative Lying.
chcr said:
Hey, I'm diabetic. I have to take it easy on the sugar and the carbs (and the alcohol).

I have to be on the lookout for that. It runs in my family. If I were ever to get type 2, I'd probably have to change almost all my eating habits.
steve, im glad to hear things are going well. Ive lost about 7 pounds here in the last week and a half. The doc has me on a low-no cholesterol diet.( i think he is trying to kill me) and work has decided to just take anything that resembles a personal life and lock it in a closet.
The boys are going great. growing and onery as ever.
unclehobart said:
Who doesn't know HomeLAN around here?

*raises hand & jumps up & down like a sailor on payday in a red light district*

Hello HomeLAN :wave: :blush: <------------- I'm just really shy around strangers.
chcr said:
Two words, dude. Creative Lying.

In the job I have, I'd actually have to lie to myself. And we all know how painful that can be.

Hi, AlphaTroll! Is there a BetaTroll? *Sorry, couldn't help it*