w00t, w00t... got my DSL working!

outside looking in

<b>Registered Member</b>
Yep, cableone can suck my balls and go straight to hell. They've been charging me $45/month for 800k down / 128k up. :( Online gaming had become impossible over the past month or two... constant lag, packet loss out the ass, and frequent disconnects for several seconds to a few minutes at a time.

Now I'm on DSL: static IP, 1Mbit/256kb, using a dsl modem/router (cayman 3220, pretty sweet). My ISP has no problem with me running a server 24/7 to the full capacity of my bandwidth, tech support 24/7 (and not by a Telco, but by an real ISP that services many businesses in the area)... all for the same price.

Screw cableone. Just screw 'em. I can't wait to make that phone call tommorrow when I get to tell them just that. :)
WOOHOO OSLI!!! :D :headbang: You've got the joy that I had recently moving from dial up to cable! :D :headbang:
I just ditched my cable access for DSL a couple of weeks ago. I was experiencing 75% down time. It was fast when it worked though. DSL hasn't hiccuped yet :headbang: