Wacky warning label winners


Active Member
Wacky warning: No kids in washing machine
You think product labels are out of hand? Look at these 'winners'

Updated: 2 hours, 39 minutes ago
DETROIT - Don’t clean your kids in the washing machine. Don’t dry your cell phone in the microwave. And be sure not to read the phone book while driving. Those are among the winning entries in this year’s Wacky Warning Label Contest, run by an anti-lawsuit group.

Rest of story here ---

I've always loved the one on my hair dryer
"CAUTION: May contain nuts!" on top of a clear plastic container with a cake inside that had peanuts ALL OVER the top of it.
I dunno...I tried to change away from my christmas mouse to my regualr mouse and this happened :(
All fixed. I had the file on my computer so I uploaded it from there :)
Well, this is what labels catering to idiots have done to society...I was in an elevator today and these two ladies were talking about food and stuff and this one started bitching about a cereal or something that was "Oatmeal with honey and raisins" and she was all "When I got home it had Almonds in it! How can they DO that? It just said oatmeal with honey and raisins!!!" I was thinking to myself "FUCK! They don't have to put EVERY ingrediant in the name!! It's why they have ingrediant list!" I mean, I HATE onions and if I'm buying a new food I've never tried...like a new pizza pocket or something I always read the ingrediants because lots of times it'll say "pepperoni and cheese" in the name but it actually has onions in it...afterwards I thought that I should have checked if she had her shoes on the right feet :D
A local restaurant scribbles the specials of the day on a chalkboard and spells out every-litttle-ingredient to the nth degree in order to help the appeal factor and sell it. (they use top notch stuff and are great with sauces) I order this one thing that was supposed to have scallops with all kinds of supporting characters in a medley. When the food comes, the first thing that strikes my eye is that is has 6 monster shrimp sticking out of it. I don't care for shrimp; Tonks is outright allergic. Ah well... at least it didn't have corn.