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Out-freaking-standing OTC member
It gets better...

Perhaps the anti-religious can jump on this bandwagon instead of always blaming Christianity for the worlds woes...:rolleyes:

A report from an American think-tank has estimated 1.57 billion Muslims populate the world - with 60% in Asia.
I wonder if that's why Indonesia despises the US so much.
did some former pres. screw up a deal there or something
"There are signs that Allah will grant victory to Islam in Europe without swords, without guns, without conquest. We don't need terrorists, we don't need homicide bombers. The 50+ million Muslims [in Europe] will turn it into a Muslim continent within a few decades." - Muammar al-Gaddafi

Gato, did you see my "Contraception and Abortion and Sodomy!" thread? The video talks about what is going on in that regard.
Gato, I'm sorry I can't make a connection between blaming the world's woes and Christianity in that article. :shrug:
Gato, I'm sorry I can't make a connection between blaming the world's woes and Christianity in that article. :shrug:

You have to look beyond the web-page and understand that there is campaign against the christian community in general, mainly based in far left ideaologies. I'm going out on a limb here, but I think he is alluding that Christians are under consistent and constant attack while those same folk are quiet about the Muslim religion.
You have to look beyond the web-page and understand that there is campaign against the christian community in general, mainly based in far left ideaologies. I'm going out on a limb here, but I think he is alluding that while Christians are under attack and those same folk are quiet about the Muslim religion.
You know... I'll tell ya... I'm not Christian and I can tell you that this goes both ways. I would fight tooth and nail for citizens to be allowed the freedom to believe as they wish, but I'm labeled immoral and unethical by Christians because I do not believe what they believe. How ironic.
You know... I'll tell ya... I'm not Christian and I can tell you that this goes both ways. I would fight tooth and nail for citizens to be allowed the freedom to believe as they wish, but I'm labeled immoral and unethical by Christians because I do not believe what they believe. How ironic.
Interesting POV and how much power you afford them.
Interesting POV and how much power you afford them.
Interesting how you assumed that "they" have been given power over me. They don't.

The only time it affected me is when I had a boss who harassed me daily about not being a Christian. What a jerk he was.
You know... I'll tell ya... I'm not Christian and I can tell you that this goes both ways. I would fight tooth and nail for citizens to be allowed the freedom to believe as they wish, but I'm labeled immoral and unethical by Christians because I do not believe what they believe. How ironic.

I think you should have said 'some' Christians, or people that claim to be.
I've never labeled you, and I'm Christian.

Christian are supposed to 'not' label, at least outwardly, on the off chance of conversion.
I think you should have said 'some' Christians, or people that claim to be.
I've never labeled you, and I'm Christian.

Christian are supposed to 'not' label, at least outwardly, on the off chance of conversion.
You're right and I'm wrong about that generalization. I do apologize, cat. I hope you will forgive me.
He has to. He's a Christian

how's that?

Sure val ;)

back to prof...
'to err is human, to forgive Divine'
It's in my personal nature though most of the time.

Now when talking about 'brethren' it is required, if you want forgiveness.
so, um, this means that...

hakim is gonna git your momma?

was there a point of this thread, other than as a catch-all for anything remotely anti-muslim?

oh, yes, of course i went there. you tricked all of us. again.

i can just imagine the newpaper article in 1967 in the biloxi news titled something like "study reveals millions of negroes in america." and hey, let the reader draw their own conclusion.
You know, what I got from that story was that most muslims in the world are not middle-eastern terrorists. I must have read it wrong. :lol:
but I'm labeled immoral and unethical by Christians because I do not believe what they believe.

You'd be labeled similar by the Muslims, who have orders to kill you. However, most Muslims, like most Christains, aren't shitheads.
"There are signs that Allah will grant victory to Islam in Europe without swords, without guns, without conquest. We don't need terrorists, we don't need homicide bombers. The 50+ million Muslims [in Europe] will turn it into a Muslim continent within a few decades." - Muammar al-Gaddafi

allah cant grant a motherfuckin thing. hes deader than dicks hatband
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