Want a proofreading job? This one's a doozie!


Well-Known Member
PEACHTREE CITY, Ga. - [size=-1]Thank the Lord — and the proofreaders at Peachtree Editorial and Proofreading — that the Bible refers to "our ancestors" instead of "sour ancestors," and calls for an end to "factions" — not "fractions." The proofreading service caught those typos and others before the latest edition of the Holy Book went to press


Seems that even the bible can be wrong, and a lot of errors almost get through. Wonder how many did get through ?

The list, a collection of notorious typos found in the Bible, features one prominent error from a 1631 King James edition: "Thou shalt commit adultery."
Damn you! The way you titled the thread, I thought you were giving me something to work on. You got me all excited for nothing.
Hey Inky, here's one for you, 3 of us proofread the original to this one and found over 100 errors and this was what was left, and we caught many things after this, but some things you might see as errors are meant to be that way because of a gimmick or because of its formatting (the way I received it was a format that I couldn't convert really well). This'll keep you occupied for several hours, at least. If you understand them, then you're ready for gimmick road rallyes for sure because not even the guy who wrote these understands them (but I do). :D


Welcome to ‘In Search of ...MargaritavillE’. It may be spring time in Chicagoland, but in MargaritavillE it is always summer.
In Search of...MargaritavillE is presented by the Brand-X Rallye Team. Your Tour Guide (rallyemaster) for tonight is Kathleen Orlowicz, she is assisted by the Harbor Master Jeffery Lurie. You are responsible for understanding everything in these Island Instructions. So read these Island Instructions carefully. Selfaddress the envelope you received at Registration. There are no gimmicks with the decorative labels on your envelope. At 7:30 P.M. + 1/4 of your sailboat number in minutes, exchange your selfaddressed envelope for your Course Headings. Leaving the starting point constitutes your acceptance of the legibility and the completeness of Island Instructions, Course Headings, Ship’s log and affirms that you have read any posted Island Mail at Registration. Tonight you must find your own MargaritavillE. Avoid Tourist and always take a key. Drive safely, obey all laws. Tonight all cars are sailboats so for goodness sake don’t run a ground.

The Free Brand-X Rallye school will begin at 6:30P.M. Look for the “Rallye School” sign near registration. If you are a 1st Timer, Beginner, or Novice, Brand-X strongly suggests you attend Rallye school. Bring something to write on and with. Make Notes. The Brand-X Rallye Schoolmaster may answer general questions about anything regarding this rallye. There will be NO gimmicks with, at, or during Rallye School. We strongly suggest that you have a flashlight with you as some signs may be hard to see. Along tonight’s course. Flashlights are available at the Brand-X Boutique for only $2.00 (including batteries).

There will be a drivers’ meeting at 7:15 P.M. A minimum of one person from each sailboat must attend. Make notes at this
meeting . There are starting point gimmicks.

If you have a specific question about either the Island Instructions or the Course Headings, ask tonight’s Tour Guide or Harbor Master about it with a written question (no more than 5 questions at a time please). Written questions can be submitted until 8:00 P.M. and the eighth deadly sin is pizza. General questions about rallying may be asked of any BRAND-X member.

ISLAND MAIL: Island Mail are additional information or instructions that have precedence over everything.
Executable parts of Island Mail must be executed, if possible, only once at the first chance to do so. Island Mail may be posted or handed out at the registration car. You are responsible for seeking out and remembering all Island Mail. These Island Instructions are not to be considered as Island Mail. Island Mail must contain the words Island Mail to be valid.

Pick up points (PUPs) in the Course Headings will be enclosed within double asterisks, **example**. PUPs will give a location and compass heading in which you should be traveling. If you get lost, or find that you are running out of time, go to the next PUP and continue the rallye from there. Helpful information is enclosed in parentheses (example). This is solely for safety or convenience and not an executable part of any Instruction. No gimmick will be based on the utilization of PUPs.

You will be required to answer questions in the Course Headings from physical evidence found along your road. Each question will be designated by the letter ‘Q’ immediately followed by a number (example: Q33. Do you see anything?). Each question applies only between the initiation point of the immediately preceding numbered Course Heading and the completion point of the immediately following numbered Course Heading. Place your answers in the appropriate spaces on your Ship’s log.

MARINA (endpoint):
This evening the Marina is pleasantly disguised as Barnabys, located along Golf Road just west of Roselle Road. Your duein time is 10:30 P.M. + 1/4 of your sailboat number in minutes. Enter the Marina when you encounter it. Give your up-to-date Ship’s log and Jimmy Buffett quiz to the Marina worker located inside.
CH=Course Heading(s). NCH=Numbered Course Heading(s). LCH=lettered Course Heading(s). There are two types of CHs, numbered and lettered. All NCHs must be executed in consecutive, ascending numerical order at the first chance to do so. Each NCH must be completely executed prior to going on to the next NCH. Each LCH applies from the completion point of the preceding NCH until the initiation point of the following NCH. Indicate on your Ship’s log whether or not you executed each LCH during the period in which the LCH applies. Not all LCHs have to be executed to complete the rallye. Each LCH can be executed only once. If two or more LCHs can be executed at the same point, do only the applicable LCH that is highest alphabetically, unless otherwise stated. A is higher than B, B is higher than C, etc. Consider the Course Headings as one continuous page. Once you initiate a CH you must complete that CH.

Tonight's rallye requires you to travel on public road(s). Road segments labeled "NO OUTLET", "DEAD END", or "NOT HERE" are nonexistent, as are ALLEYS, DRIVEWAYS, and PARKING LOTS with the exception of those at the starting point and the Marina. Once you leave the starting point, roads entering Woodfield Mall are to be considered as entrances to a parking lot. St=road=ave=Lane, etc. Never execute a U Turn, except when in a cul-de-sac. Private drives do not exist. Gro=dela. Any course following action must be executed at an intersection. Camellia does not exist.

When two or more different types of instructions could be executed at the same point, execute only the one of highest precedence (lowest numbered) that applies.
1. Island Mail.
2. Island Instructions, excluding obvious route.
3. NCHs.
4. LCHs.
5. Obvious route.

If no other instruction can be validly executed, utilize the following obvious route: 1. Right at Tee; 2. straight as possible, provided this does not conflict with obvious route 1.

Anything in quotes in the CHs, "EXAMPLE", refers to a specific sign seen from the course. Signs referred to as signs in the CHs, except stopsigns, must always be quoted. Signs may or may not be quoted in full, but when quoted must be quoted in contiguous order. Quoted signs will never be found attached to mailboxes or moving vehicles. Spacing and punctuation is irrelevant on signs. Tape and stickon letters are to be considered as integral parts of the sign on which they appear. Separate signs on the same structure are the same sign. Signs may be to either side or in front of you. You will never be required to look behind you to read a sign. There is no differentiation between UPPER and lower case type, nor among type and printing and script. Spelling must be exact. Signs are to be read from left to right then top to bottom. Artwork is anything other than letters, numbers, arrows, and road depictions. Artwork on signs does not exist. Nametags are signs. “NO PARKING” signs do not exist. UL=OL.

Lowest score wins. You will receive 10 points for each error you make. You will receive 1 point for each minute or fraction thereof past your duein time. You will receive from 10 points to disqualification for: hazardous checkpoint procedure, receiving a traffic citation, collaboration, or utilization of drugs prior to or during this event. We recommend the utilization of pencil on your Ship’s log. Und=ware. Only members of the Scoring Committee can mark in red on your Ship’s log. A Jimmy Buffett song quiz will be utilized as tonight’s tie breaker.

You are responsible for knowing your compass headings. The words North, South, East, West, N, S, E, W, Old, and New when utilized as prefixes on road name signs are irrelevant. You must use the following only once: Biscayne, James, Florida, Carolina and right on Cutter. Also, you must go left on these only once: Kathleen and Longboat. Jimmy Buffett has played a Gibson guitar, so you should go left once at Gibson. Find your own=go left on. Tingal=garitalvill.

DEFINITIONS : (Defined words are to be utilized only in their defined sense.)
AFTER: completely past the referenced sign, landmark or event.
AT: in the immediate proximity of.
COMPASS HEADING: North, South, East, West or their combinations.
CROSSROAD: the meeting and crossing of two or more roads. A Tee is never a crossroad.
DIRECTION: left, right.
4 WAY: an intersection at which traffic from four compass headings must stop.
INTERSECTION: the meeting and/or crossing of two or more roads.
RUN: Take.
SIDEROAD: a road that extends in only one direction from your road.
TAKE: Travel on.
TEE: an intersection in the general shape of the letter T, with a chance to go left and a chance to go right, but no chance to go straight. You must be traveling up the stem to consider it a tee. Lazy Tees are Tees.
TRAFFIC SIGNAL: an electrical device that controls traffic at an intersection.
TURN: change course by approximately 90 degrees. Turn can never be executed at a crossroad or a Tee.
STOPSIGN: a red and white sign containing the word 'STOP'. Stopsigns are not recognizable from the back.
USE: Turn on.
YOUR ROAD: the road on which your sailboat is traveling, or parked.

Now let us tell you about the 7 Deadly Sins:
1. Pride...Thou shalt not have pride in thy neighbor.
2. Coveting...Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's wife.
3. Lust...Thou shalt not lust after his neighbor's wife.
4. Anger...Do not be angry with your neighbor's wife.
5. Gluttony...Do not eat thy neighbor's wife's ........popcorn.
6. Envy...Do not envy your neighbor's wife.
7. Sloth...Do not be a slob.
I already have a proofreading job. :p

P.S. - Stop Laughing: There are quite a few mistakes in the copy you have posted. ;)
I know there are, this was his 2nd copy, his 1st was ungodly (and missing, I think I deleted it), it took him like 3 more tries for us to accept it.
Inkara1 said:
Ooh, nice challende. :D

I'll look over it later tonight.


Welcome to ‘In Search of ...MargaritavillE’. It may be spring time in Chicagoland, but in MargaritavillE it is .....
gonna have to re-read that one when i'm sober....
He'll screw anything up. See the equals at the end of the Miscellaneous paragraph, Tingal=garitalvill? That's in there to make a street named Martingale equal to Margaritaville, but you'll notice that the equals doesn' work, Martingale ends up equalling Margaritalville. :lloyd:
Well, I know little about rallyes, but I picked up a little bit in reading the Island Instructions. I wouldn't be surprised if I missed a thing or two, but I also am not familiar with the area and didn't feel like looking up every street on the internet.

Here's after a quick read-through:


Welcome to "In Search of ...MARgaritavillE." It may be spring time in Chicagoland, but in MARgaritavillE it is always summer.

"In Search of...MARgaritavillE" is presented by the Brand-X Rallye Team. Your tour guide (rallyemaster) for tonight is Kathleen Orlowicz; she is assisted by the harbor master, Jeffery Lurie. You are responsible for understanding everything in these Island Instructions. Read them carefully. Self-address the envelope you received at Registration. There are no gimmicks with the decorative labels on your envelope. At 7:30 P.M. + 1/4 of your sailboat number in minutes, exchange your self-addressed envelope for your Course Headings. Leaving the starting point constitutes your acceptance of the legibility and completeness of the Island Instructions, Course Headings and Ship’s Log, and affirms that you have read any posted Island Mail at Registration. Tonight you must find your own MARgaritavillE. Avoid tourists and always take a key. Drive safely; obey all laws. Tonight all cars are "sailboats," so for goodness' sake don’t run aground.

The Free Brand-X Rallye school will begin at 6:30 P.M. Look for the “Rallye School” sign near Registration. If you are a first-timer, beginner, or novice, Brand-X strongly suggests you attend Rallye school. Bring something to write on and with. Make notes. The Brand-X Rallye Schoolmaster may answer general questions about anything regarding this rallye. There will be NO gimmicks with, at, or during Rallye School. We strongly suggest that you have a flashlight with you as some signs may be hard to see along tonight’s course. Flashlights are available at the Brand-X Boutique for only $2.00 (including batteries).

There will be a drivers’ meeting at 7:15 P.M. A minimum of one person from each sailboat must attend. Make notes at this meeting. There are starting point gimmicks.

If you have a specific question about either the Island Instructions or the Course Headings, ask tonight’s tour guide or harbor master about it with a written question (no more than 5 questions at a time, please). Written questions can be submitted until 8:00 P.M., and the eighth deadly sin is pizza. General questions about rallying may be asked of any Brand-X member.

Island Mail is additional information or instructions that have precedence over everything. Executable parts of Island Mail must be executed, if possible, only once at the first chance to do so. Island Mail may be posted or handed out at the registration car. You are responsible for seeking out and remembering all Island Mail. These Island Instructions are not to be considered as Island Mail. Island Mail must contain the words Island Mail to be valid.

Pick-up points (PUPs) in the Course Headings will be enclosed within double asterisks: **example**. PUPs will give a location to go and compass heading to point the direction. If you get lost, or find that you are running out of time, go to the next PUP and continue the rallye from there. Helpful information is enclosed in parentheses: (example). This is solely for safety or convenience and is not an executable part of any instructions. No gimmick will be based on the utilization of PUPs.

You will be required to answer questions in the Course Headings from physical evidence found along your road. Each question will be designated by the letter ‘Q’ immediately followed by a number (example: Q33. Do you see anything?). Each question applies only between the completion point of the immediately preceding numbered Course Heading and the initiation point of the immediately following numbered Course Heading. Place your answers in the appropriate spaces on your Ship’s Log.

MARINA (endpoint):
This evening the Marina is pleasantly disguised as Barnaby’s, located along Golf Road just west of Roselle Road. Your due-in time is 10:30 P.M. + 1/4 of your sailboat number in minutes. Enter the Marina when you encounter it. Give your up-to-date Ship’s log and Jimmy Buffett quiz to the Marina worker located inside.

CH=Course Heading(s). NCH=Numbered Course Heading(s). LCH=Lettered Course Heading(s). There are two types of CHs: numbered and lettered. All NCHs must be executed in consecutive, ascending numerical order at the first chance to do so. Each NCH must be completely executed prior to going on to the next NCH. Each LCH applies from the completion point of the preceding NCH until the initiation point of the following NCH. Indicate on your Ship’s Log whether or not you executed each LCH during the period in which the LCH applies. Not all LCHs have to be executed to complete the rallye. Each LCH can be executed only once. If two or more LCHs can be executed at the same point, do only the applicable LCH that is highest alphabetically, unless otherwise stated. A is higher than B, B is higher than C, etc. Consider the Course Headings as one continuous page. Once you initiate a CH you must complete that CH.

Tonight's rallye requires you to travel on public road(s). Road segments labeled "NO OUTLET", "DEAD END", or "NOT HERE" are nonexistent, as are ALLEYS, DRIVEWAYS, and PARKING LOTS with the exception of those at the starting point and the Marina. Once you leave the starting point, roads entering Woodfield Mall are to be considered as entrances to a parking lot. St.=Road=Ave.=Lane, etc. Never execute a U-turn, except when in a cul-de-sac. Private drives do not exist. Gro=dela. Any course-following action must be executed at an intersection. Camellia does not exist.

When two or more different types of instructions could be executed at the same point, execute only the one of highest precedence (lowest numbered) that applies.
1. Island Mail.
2. Island Instructions, excluding obvious route.
3. NCHs.
4. LCHs.
5. Obvious route.

If no other instruction can be validly executed, utilize the following obvious route: 1. Right at Tee; 2. straight as possible, provided this does not conflict with obvious route 1.

Anything in quotes in the CHs, "EXAMPLE", refers to a specific sign seen from the course. Signs referred to as signs in the CHs, except stop signs, must always be quoted. Signs may or may not be quoted in full, but when quoted must be quoted in contiguous order. Quoted signs will never be found attached to mailboxes or moving vehicles. Spacing and punctuation is irrelevant on signs. Tape and stick-on letters are to be considered as integral parts of the sign on which they appear. Separate signs on the same structure are considered the same sign. Signs may be to either side or in front of you. You will never be required to look behind you to read a sign. There is no differentiation between UPPER- and lower-case type, nor among type and printing and script. Spelling must be exact. Signs are to be read from left to right then top to bottom. Artwork is anything other than letters, numbers, arrows, and road depictions. Artwork on signs does not exist. Nametags are signs. “NO PARKING” signs do not exist. UL=OL.

Lowest score wins. You will receive 10 points for each error you make. You will receive 1 point for each minute or fraction thereof past your due-in time. You will receive from 10 points to disqualification for: hazardous checkpoint procedure, receiving a traffic citation, collaboration, or utilization of drugs prior to or during this event. We recommend the utilization of pencil on your Ship’s Log. Und=ware. Only members of the Scoring Committee can mark in red on your Ship’s Log. A Jimmy Buffett song quiz will be utilized as tonight’s tie breaker.

You are responsible for knowing your compass headings. The words North, South, East, West, N, S, E, W, Old and New, when utilized as prefixes on road name signs, are irrelevant. You must use the following only once: Biscayne, James, Florida, Carolina and right on Cutter. Also, you must go left on these only once: Kathleen and Longboat. Jimmy Buffett has played a Gibson guitar, so you should go left once at Gibson. Find your own=go left on. Tingal=garitavill.

DEFINITIONS : (Defined words are to be utilized only in their defined sense.)
AFTER: completely past the referenced sign, landmark or event.
AT: in the immediate proximity of.
COMPASS HEADING: North, South, East, West or combinations thereof.
CROSSROAD: the meeting and crossing of two or more roads. A Tee is never a crossroad.
DIRECTION: left, right.
4 WAY: an intersection at which traffic from four compass headings must stop.
INTERSECTION: the meeting and/or crossing of two or more roads.
RUN: Take.
SIDEROAD: a road that extends in only one direction from your road.
TAKE: Travel on.
TEE: an intersection in the general shape of the letter T, with a chance to go left and a chance to go right, but no chance to go straight. You must be traveling up the stem to consider it a tee. Lazy Tees are Tees.
TRAFFIC SIGNAL: an electrical device that controls traffic at an intersection.
TURN: change course by approximately 90 degrees. Turn can never be executed at a crossroad or a Tee.
STOP SIGN: a red and white sign containing the word 'STOP'. Stop signs are not recognizable from the back.
USE: Turn on.
YOUR ROAD: the road on which your sailboat is traveling or parked.

Now let us tell you about the 7 Deadly Sins:
1. Pride...Thou shalt not have pride in thy neighbor.
2. Coveting...Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's wife.
3. Lust...Thou shalt not lust after thy neighbor's wife.
4. Anger...Thou shalt not be angry with thy neighbor's wife.
5. Gluttony...Thou shalt not eat thy neighbor's wife's ........popcorn.
6. Envy...Thou shalt not envy thy neighbor's wife.
7. Sloth...Thou shalt not be lazy, especially when thou breaketh the other six dealy sins and needeth to cover thy tracks.