Want this to stop???


Out-freaking-standing OTC member
This isn't the way...:rolleyes:

If women want to be treated better, they should all be speaking out when they encounter bad behavior. I can see quite a bit of abuse coming up over this one statement...

from the article said:
"I hope more women will speak out against the horrible things that happen," she said.

Just to add to the fun, she was a cop.
jeebus things over there must be really bad if chicks that look like her are being harassed for sex. she'd prolly do better in the navy where they'd think she was a boy and try to plook her.
You know...Sexual harrassment is a problem in both the military and civilian worlds. Funny thing about the military part, though...sexual harrassment wasn't epidemic until the shooting started...:devious:
At least nothing was made public..

Sexual harassment was being addressed hot and heavy when I was in the Navy during the 80s...
At least nothing was made public..

Sexual harassment was being addressed hot and heavy when I was in the Navy during the 80s...

That's because of the "Tailhook" scandal. That was the trigger for todays sexual harassment climate. I was pointing out, though, that the incidence of reporting shows spikes...much like the incidences of pregnancy...during the actual shooting wars (Gulf war I and II) and their aftermath...which begs the question...Does war make men more animal-like, or women more sensitive?
Both, I hope.

*still believes women don't belong on the battlefield. the 3% who are qualified, capable & ready don't make up for the 97% who just shouldn't be there*
School janitor say she made up rape story

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution
Published on: 09/29/06

A woman who claimed she was raped last month inside a Gilmer County school has admitted she made up the whole story.

Sharon Kendall, a 44-year-old janitor at Ellijay Elementary School, told authorities that she was attacked and raped at knifepoint when she arrived at work on Aug. 17, said Ellijay police Chief Larry Callahan.

Classes were canceled at all county schools the following day, and uniformed sheriff's deputies were posted in all schools when classes resumed the following Monday.

"It scared everybody to death," Callahan said. "Kids were afraid to go to school."

Callahan said detectives noticed inconsistencies in Kendall's story early in the investigation, "but in a case like that, the last thing you want to do is say it didn't happen if it really did."

He said that when DNA evidence "showed absolutely no other person involved," authorities decided to file charges.

Callahan said Kendall pleaded guilty on Thursday to giving false information, criminal damage to government property — for throwing a computer off a desk onto the floor on the morning she staged her bogus attack — and workman's compensation fraud, all felonies.

The married mother of one was sentenced to 11 years of probation and 500 hours of community service, and ordered to pay $8,400 restitution.

"I believe that the act itself deserved prison time . . . I don't make any bones about that," Callahan said, adding that he agreed to the sentence of probation in order to get a confession from Kendall.

"We felt that was the only thing that would fully relieve the community's fears was for them to hear her say it didn't happen," Callahan said.


A woman lying about being raped? No, it can't be .......