War...yea or nay...reasoning

Just to throw some fuel on the fire, there has been no Palestinian language, no Palestinian culture, no Palestinian religion, no Palestinian economy and no Palestinian people.
well, Hex..I haven't posited an opinion on Israel's legitimacy (stolen or not)....

...I merely asked what you thought about their role in the ongoing transformation of the region...positive or negative...

when you look back at the thread I feel confident you'll see the invitation to take it further into that realm IF you like...

...and so you have ;)

You've got to love the irony. It's a relatively small area (the ME) but the entire world focuses on it more than just about anywhere, between Iran, SA, Iraq & the entire Israeli thing. Maybe we, the rest of us, ought to find a better fuel source & let 'em fight it out. Whenthey grow tired or hungry enough, they'll stop.
...and the greatest irony of all....which goes back to Hex and my exchange about "semites"....


Hex, That kind of reasoning justifies irradicating Native Americans, Native Hawaiins, Eskimos, and many others. I don't think you can make things that black & white when it comes to this subject.
-The ongoing transformation of the region-positive or negative

Totally relative to which side you tend to believe has the more just cause. Me, the Israelis but i'm sure this can be argued till we're all blue in the face.
Squig, i never justified irradicating anyone. The only thing i wish to irradicate are lies.

PS. MAD...i know you don't go to bed this early especially on a friday so i'm assuming you're going out.:bgpimp:
not in support of the war principally for the reasons mentioned by tommy. i do find it sort of amusing that the us and uk are so keen to do bin laden's work for him though as i am lead to believe that iraq (as an secualr muslim state) is no2 on al-quaida lists.

i don't buy the oil thing and as much of a nasty bit of work saddam hussein its not for us to go changing regimes we don't like just because. what works for us may not be applicable to others. looking at the instabilities present in afghanistan following military intervention there i'm also not convinced as to how much good to the region it will be to go in.