Was I Having a Mild Stroke??


Kissy Goddess
May 6th of this year I was having family over for my sons 10th birthday party. I noticed that I couldn't taste anything on the right side of my tongue. I had had a nasty cold that I thought was over a week before, so I figured maybe it was that - losing my taste from a cold. I stood at the kitchen window with my brother in law chatting as we looked out at the forest and I turned to him and said, "Does this Coke taste funny to you?" and he said, "Nope" Same thing at dinner, I couldn't really taste the meal I had made.

The next morning, I got up and I knew something wasn't right, but I didn't really realize it until I came to the kitchen and was going to make some coffee. My son was up and he said, "Mom, what's the deal with your eye?" I tried to blink and it wasn't happening. He laughed, thinking it was funny. Only one eye was blinking - my right eye was completely immobile. Suddenly, within a minute, I began to notice that I couldn't raise the right side of my mouth very well. My face felt... sort of.. numb. In retrospect, it wasn't numb, it just had NO feeling.

So I called my sis in state of panic, thinking I was having some massive death like disease or something. Told her my symptoms and she was here in seconds flat. She took me to emergency and they took me in right away.

Turns out to be Bells Palsy. Thank God it was only that.

The Doc put me on an antiviral and steriods for one week. Steriods. Holy sweet mother of God!!! I was the nastiest bitch ever after a couple days on that. It was only for a week.

For weeks I had to sleep with an eye patch cuz it didn't close all the way.

Now, close to 3 months later, although it's much better now, I have a crooked smile and my eye waters profusely. My lips are starting to look off center, God I hope that fixes itself. One side is... *fuller* than the other.

Now that I have had (still kinda do have) Bells Palsy - suddenly, I am aware of how many people I know, or people I know who know people, who have had it, too.

Anyways.. so.. that's my little story for the day :D
That is very scary and I hope it clears up before to long..
a guy I work with DID have a stroke 2 weeks ago (maybe 3) and he has lost feeling on his left side. face, eye, lips, and fingers are numb. he just turned 30!
just goes to show ya.. age don't matter for that kind of thing.

*wishing you a full recovery*
Strokes can be a very dangerous health issue. Both of my grandmothers had strokes and in both cases a lot of brain damage was occurred. With my mom’s side grandmother, her eyesight and ability to walk went away and with my dad’s side grandmother, her eyesight is starting to deteriorate. Hope ya feel better.:p
Here's to ya babydoll. Get better. Somebody around here had/has it. As bad as it seemed, be glad it wasn't a stroke.
Must've been terrifying!

It started happening to my brother in high school. That must've sucked.

Don't worry, it all WILL fix itself.
Scarey, but from what I know you have a very good chance of complete recovery, it just takes a long time. So here's hoping it will eventually go. :)
I've got a friend with that. He's had it for over three years now. Most of his face is back to normal but his eye still sags a bit.
Spirit said:
Ya, I'd take many Bells attacks over one tiny stroke!!

I had Bell's Palsey in 1997. Started out with a ringing/buzzing in my right ear. I went the Prednisone route. I'm deaf as a post in my right ear to this day. I hope you get back 100%...