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This falls into the same category as the FDA following public pressure in the late 80's/early 90's. New prescription drugs were damn near impossible to get brought to market. Testing went on forever. The big uproar started, the FDA relented, shortening the testing time & procedures & now we have pharmaceuticals that are (supposedly) responsible for suicides & all sorts of erratic behavior.

Just wait until the cloned beef starts creating 3-headed children (4 in the case of males). All 'cause someone wants cheaper beef.
This falls into the same category as the FDA following public pressure in the late 80's/early 90's. New prescription drugs were damn near impossible to get brought to market. Testing went on forever. The big uproar started, the FDA relented, shortening the testing time & procedures & now we have pharmaceuticals that are (supposedly) responsible for suicides & all sorts of erratic behavior.

Just wait until the cloned beef starts creating 3-headed children (4 in the case of males). All 'cause someone wants cheaper beef.

Cheaper? They still have to feed the cattle. That's the biggest cost.
How about high-rise farms? A multi-story open-air structure (like a parking garage), put soil on the floors, put daylight/UV lights in the ceilings, plant grass, place cows.
First of all, cloned beef won't cause mutations in humans. Second, why do you have to grow the whole cow? Just grow the tasty bits in vitro.

Besides, won't we all be eating soylent green in a few years anyway?