Was Shiavo case a partisan issue?

Where did you stand on Siavo and where do you fall on the political spectrum.

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I'll put it down here. Should I ever be in a state like that, with no hope of recovery, I want the tube taken out.
Professur said:
I'll put it down here. Should I ever be in a state like that, with no hope of recovery, I want the tube taken out.

as would I. but her case I wonder about her husband and some of the things said about him. but I am also wary of her parents
I am sick and fricken tired of hearing about
this veg that shoulda been allowed to go and hookup
with S-&-P's maker, 15 years ago.
What are your wishes if you may have a chance at partial recovery but your spouse thinks you should die & won't allow you to have any assistance?
Someone slap me...I agree with winky.

15 years?...15 years they have been hoping for a change.

5 years....8 years...hell even 10 years but after 15 you gotta realize that you're now running on empty hopes.

Stop being so fucking selfish and let the poor woman go. The small possibility she somehow recovers from such a massive stroke how hard will her life be afterwards?

15 years of not moving your muscles does something to them: Turns em to mush.

She's gone from a hopeless case to a spectacle. Why the hell do her parents still want her to live is beyond me. They aren't keeping a human being alive....they are just keeping a bunch of cells alive.
as long as this is in play, I'll contend she was (is being) murdered.

WND said:
At the press conference, Terri's family and several doctors also stressed it is debatable whether she is in a persistent vegetative state, or PVS, despite court rulings labeling her as such.

WorldNetDaily has reported Terri sustained brain damage when she mysteriously collapsed in 1990 at the age of 26 and oxygen was cut to her brain for several minutes. Terri breathes and maintains a heart beat and blood pressure on her own. She can see and move her limbs. But she needs a feeding tube to sustain her life.

The Schindlers, who have been fighting with their son-in-law for 10 years argue Terri is alert, responsive and vocalizes, and given appropriate therapy can improve. WorldNetDaily has reported their opinion is buttressed by that of nearly a dozen physicians who signed sworn affidavits that she is not PVS – affidavits Greer rejected as evidence. The physicians offered their opinions after viewing videotape of Terri taken during a court-ordered evaluation. Some doctors have offered pro-bono treatment for her, which her husband declines.

WorldNetDaily has reported that in the first couple of years after her collapse Terri received rehabilitative therapy and progressed to the point of saying "no," according to nurses' notes. She would also say, "yes" and "stop that," according to her parents. But in 1993, following the malpractice-suit awards, the therapy was discontinued and Terri was relocated by her husband to one nursing home and then another before ultimately being moved to a hospice in 2000 where she remains.

During a covert therapy session, Robert Schindler reports his daughter sat bolt upright and tried to get our of her chair when told by a therapist over the telephone she was sentenced to die.

Good God!

Other than 9-11 two sucessful invasions the greatest President since Raygun
WTF is Terry gonna be, the poster child for the decade of the oughts?!?

Seriously In a country of 290 million people
WTF difference does it make if a brain dead veggie dies?

Really, this is stealing valuable airtime from the Jacko trial!

20 years from now we are gonna have to hear about Terry
on the MTV "I love the oughts"

Hey did anyone finally figger out what we're gonna call this

The decade of the jello-head?
Winky said:
Seriously In a country of 290 million people
WTF difference does it make if a brain dead veggie dies?

Pathetic or not but this is basically what my point stems down to.

Its one life which most likey at this point, wants to die though that may be far too big of an assumption on my part.

But i'll go far as to assume no one wants to live this way or that badly.
My dear it is probable she 'died' 15 years ago.
(brain death is death, right?)

My apologies that you'd find yourself on the same side of this issue as myself ;)

Really if someone who is already toast croaks after 15 years of being kept alive
inna human freak show condition it don’t matter anymore than a fart inna level
five hurricane!
Gonz's link said:
During a covert therapy session, Robert Schindler reports his daughter sat bolt upright and tried to get our of her chair when told by a therapist over the telephone she was sentenced to die.

That's a little harsh doncha think? Who, having the power to do so, stood up in any court chamber and said "I sentence Terri Shiavo to die."

I know what the respondants will say..."It's the same thing. It amounts to a death sentence." Maybe it does. But I ask you this then.

I supervise a man on probation who has one functioning kidney, and that one donated to him by a relative. He took tons of anti-rejection medications, has had untold surgeries since the transplant, and is obviously on government funded disability due to this condition. He has an eight year sentence hanging over his head. Last month, I all but told him that he would be drug tested this month. Our boy has a weed problem, and the sentence is for selling cocaine. Despite all my warnings, despite spending time explaining the consequences a revocation could haveon his health...he pissed positive for THC. Again.

I am a zero tolerence officer on drug tests. I contend that if a convicted felon can find nothing more worthwhile upon which to spend his/her time and money than dope, they can sit in jail and rot and do all the dope they want.

So, following that logic, and given the bleeding heart dispositions we hear in the Shiavo case...do I by proxy sentence my guy to death if I file a warrant on him for drug use and he goes back to prison for eight years? Eight years of prison medical "care" as opposed to all the resources of, say, a Duke Medical Center? (Not where he goes, but close enough for gov't work.)

What say ye?

As a footnote, I do not support the enforced removal of her feeding tube, but I also recognize the husband's right to provide care for her as defined by Florida state law, whether I agree with the level of care he is providing or not. Just so you'll know.
rrfield said:
I thought custody should have been transfered from the husband to the parents. Apparently there isn't a mechanism in Florida or federal law to do this, but I would have thought the family could have made a case under some sort of fraud argument, since the husband has 2 kids with a live-in girlfriend and has made the statements Gonz mentioned.

I never knew he had 2 kids and a live-in gf....??? Is he divorced from Terri???

and YES, in that case, if he is, custody should be transferred to her parents.
I personally would not want to be on a feeding tube for 15 years.....but I guess thats why we have "living wills"....
Further Jackson info from AP: Evidently at the request of the brother. I'm listening to the AP feed.
SouthernN'Proud said:
What say ye?

I say it's a totally different thing. Not really any comparison to make with Terri IMO.

I'd feel totally different about it if they had let the blood family bring in who
they thought might help her with therapy, and say after about six months
she didn't show any improvement, does her up really heavy with morphine,
or some other heavy pain killer, and let her go then.